Shifa Fathima is a MSc. In Food Science and Nutrition and A Certified Diabetes Educator. She has been affiliated as a Consultant Nutritionist with Healthifiyme in the past across multiple areas related to health such as Diabetes, weight management, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, IBS, Hypertension, Thyroid and other lifestyle conditions. Shifa is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association and has a well rounded expertise with trainings in sports nutrition, mindful eating, gut health and recipe development.
She is fluent in English, Malayalam and Tamil and is adept in nutritional knowledge of various regional cuisines and specialised diets such as Keto and Vegan diet. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, practising yoga and learning new skills.
अर्जुनरिष्ट एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो हृदय रोगों के उपचार में उपयोग की जाती है। अर्जुनरिष्ट के नियमित सेवन से हृदय स्वस्थ रहता है और यह हृदय संबंधी बीमारियों से बचाता है। इस लेख में, हम अर्जुनरिष्ट के फायदे और नुकसान और खुराक के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे। इससे पहले कि आप अर्जुनरिष्ट का सेवन करें, अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श जरूर लें।
इस आर्टिकल में, हम शुगर की दवा, पतंजलि मधुनाशिनी वटी के उपयोग, लाभ, खुराक, मधुनाशिनी वटी किस काम आती है और दुष्प्रभावों पर चर्चा करेंगे। यह आयुर्वेदिक दवा मधुमेह के इलाज के लिए विशेष रूप से उपयोगी होती है। इसका उपयोग करके आप अपनी मधुमेह की स्थिति को सुधार सकते हैं और अपने शरीर को दृढ़ता दे सकते हैं।
आहार एक ऐसा महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है जो मधुमेह को नियंत्रित करने में मदद कर सकता है। भारतीय आहार में कुछ ऐसे आहार विकल्प होते हैं जो मधुमेह के मरीजों के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद होते हैं। इन आहार विकल्पों के सेवन से मधुमेह के मरीजों की खून में शुगर की मात्रा को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है और उन्हें एक स्वस्थ जीवन जीने में मदद मिल सकती है।
मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए फल का सेवन भी बहुत जरूरी होता है लेकिन कुछ फल मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए अधिक अनुकूल नहीं होते हैं। इसलिए, शुगर के मरीजों को सही फलों के बारे में जानना जरूरी है जिससे वे सही आहार लेकर अपने स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रख सकें।
Effective Exercise for obese people. Read more about the exercises for overweight people on sugarfit
Can walnuts reduce cholesterol levels? Learn the facts and how this tasty nut can improve your general health and wellbeing.
Trying to lose some weight? These filling and tasty weight loss lunch ideas are nutritious.
The female body has a hormone known as the Anti-Mullerian hormone. Read the Blog to know more.
If you are trying to manage the symptoms of PCOS and trying to lead a healthier life, then there is no stone you would leave unturned. There are medications prescribed by the doctor that can help you gradually get rid of the root cause of PCOS. Read the Blog to know more about the benefits of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) for PCOS.
High cholesterol levels can cause various health problems, including leg issues. Read the Blog to know more.
Morbid obesity is also known as Class III obesity. Read the Blog to know more.
A sedentary lifestyle and obesity are the two faces of the same coin. Read the Blog to know more about exercise for obese people.
Obesity and diabetes share a common link, so you should always strive to lose the extra weight from your body. Read the Blog to know more.
Exogenous obesity is a common medical condition that occurs due to external lifestyle factors such as consuming excessive food, thus causing obesity. This situation gets triggered when a steady consumption of food goes beyond what the body needs, leading to the storage of extra energy derived from digested food particles as fats. Read the Blog to know more.
The thought of starting any new exercise routine can be intimidating, especially if you have been inactive for a long time or have gained extra weight. Read the Blog to know more about Obesity and Exercise.
Now that we are aware of how crucial it is to strengthen your core, let's examine some of the best exercises you can do to do so, which would also improve your health. Read the Blog to know more about best stomach exercises for seniors.
Walking is a low-impact exercise that requires no gear, could be practiced at any time of the day and has the freedom for doing at your own pace. Read the Blog to know the benefits of walking for seniors.
The body mass index (BMI), a proxy measure, is most often adopted to identify if a person is overweight or obese considering that it is extremely challenging to quantify body fat directly. Read the Blog to know more.
Thyroid diseases and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are both reasonably prevalent ailments affecting a large number of people worldwide. Read the Blog to know more.
Do you know the difference between internal and external stressors? Learn more about the two types of stress and how to deal with them. Read the Blog to know more.
In today's world, stress is a common occurrence. The fast pace of life, coupled with the increasing demands of work can lead to high levels of stress. Read the Blog to know more.
The physical and physiological reactions that occur in the body when exposed to a stressor are referred to as physiological stress. Read the Blog to know more.
Anxiety is a common mental health disorder that can manifest as excessive worry or fear, and it can have physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate, sweating, and high blood pressure. Chronic anxiety can lead to long-term elevated blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Read the Blog to know more.
High blood pressure can increase your risk of developing eye disease. Control your blood pressure to protect your vision.
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force exerted by the heart to circulate blood throughout your body. It is denoted by two numbers. The larger figure represents the force of blood in your arteries while your heart beats, whereas the lower number represents the force of blood in your arteries when your heart is resting between beats. Read the Blog to know more.
Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years in various countries and traditions as a technique for increasing physical and mental well-being. Read te Blog to know more
Many people are still ill-informed about what obesity and overweight are, how they differ from one another, and how they both can lead to catastrophic repercussions. Read the Blog to about obesity management.
Say goodbye to stress with our top-rated stress busters. Our comprehensive guide will assist you in locating the ideal stress-relieving activities for you.
The relation between cholesterol and heart disease is easy to understand. When the level of LDL in the body rises, the extra cholesterol is deposited on the walls of arteries. Read the Blog to know more about Cholesterol and heart.
Borderline cholesterol is also one of the dangerous conditions that can lead to something bigger. What is it and how to treat it? Read the Blog to know more.
Ghee and cholesterol are often looked with speculation. But, ghee in the right quantity can help. Although ghee contains saturated fats, it has good cholesterol (HDL) content which makes it healthy for consumption. Consuming ghee rationally is the key to maintaining ideal cholesterol levels. Read the Blog to know more.
Discover the best supplements to lower cholesterol and improving heart health.
Smoking and cholesterol are highly interlinked. People who smoke and have high cholesterol levels are at a higher risk of developing severe medical conditions. Know the effective ways to quit smoking. Read the Blog to know more.
It is crucial to maintain low levels of LDL cholesterol as this reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular disease and stroke. This lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. The best way to maintain good health is to engage in consistent physical activity and eat a diet rich in essential nutrients. Read the Blog to know more.
If you are looking to purchase a cholesterol test kit for home, here is what you need to know.
Taking the help of natural ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol would work wonders for your health! Read the Blog to know more.
Cholesterol from cheese can be good or bad for health depending upon the type of cheese you intake. Cheese that contains excessive saturated fats is not good for people with high cholesterol levels. To maintain ideal cholesterol levels, consume low-fat and low-cholesterol cheese.
The high cholesterol problem is not a lone one, it comes with many other complications that can wreck the body’s functioning. Read the Blog to know more.
High cholesterol has become one of the fastest growing epidemics around the world. Read the Blog to know How to Unclog Arteries.
High cholesterol is regarded as a highly dangerous health condition that is linked to a variety of other health problems such as heart diseases & obesity. Read the Blog to how to prevent cholesterol.
It is normal to get high cholesterol in pregnancy as cholesterol levels naturally rise at specific periods throughout pregnancy in order to give nourishment to the developing baby in the womb. Read the Blog to know how to manage your cholesterol levels during pregnancy.
A cholesterol test is one of the most important ones as it can help prevent and manage many medical conditions. Read the Blog to know more.
How much cholesterol a day should I consume to avoid any health issues? Read the Blog to know more.
Did you know that high cholesterol could also cause a huge impact on eye health? Read the Blog to know more.
Oxidized cholesterol is when the LDL goes through a chemical reaction – how healthy is that? Read the Blog to know more.
High cholesterol levels can make you vulnerable to numerous cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. But there’s a way to prevent it. Read the Blog to know the natural ways to control high cholesterol levels.
Fish is a highly nutritious food item that contains plenty of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. But there is also cholesterol in fish, which makes people doubt if fish is healthy for them. Read the Blog to know more.
Seniors often avoid exercising, thinking it will be tough on their joints. They can strengthen their bodies and overall wellness using low impact exercises for seniors. Read the Blog to know more.
Weak legs can affect mobility, making it difficult for the elderly to walk around without losing balance. But it can be prevented with the right senior leg strengthening exercises. Read the Blog to know more.
Serum cholesterol levels help you get accurate measures of HDL, LDL, triglyceride, and total cholesterol in your bloodstream. If you want to prevent any risk of cardiovascular health problems, you must keep serum cholesterol in check. Read the Blog to know more.
High cholesterol levels can lead to blocked arteries, causing strokes and heart diseases. To maintain healthy health, you should keep your total cholesterol levels in check. Read the Blog to know more about high cholesterol treatment.
Learn everything there is to know about HDL cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol.
Regular exercise for senior citizens is crucial to maintain fitness levels. If you want to stay fit and not depend on others in your senior years. Read the Blog to know more.
Exercising is a must for people of all ages. Here are some of the guidelines for exercises for seniors. Read the Blog to more.
Maintaining body balance and coordination is essential for older adults to perform their day-to-day activities. Read the Blog to know the best coordination exercises for older adults.
Regular exercise for senior citizens is crucial to maintain fitness levels. If you want to stay fit and not depend on others in your senior years. Read the Blog to know more.
Having a strong core is crucial for seniors to easily perform day-to-day activities. Check the core strengthening exercises for seniors featured in this guide to improve your core. Read the Blog to know more.
Getting the right amount of omega-3 cholesterol or fatty acid is crucial for maintaining a healthy body. It can protect you against numerous illnesses and diseases. Read the Blog to know more.
Explore the easiest yet highly impactful sitting exercises for seniors to improve mobility, flexibility, and strength. The chair exercises featured in this article are safe and simple. Read the Blog to know more.
As we age, our body undergoes several changes, making it challenging for most to perform day-to-day activities with ease. Read the Blog to know the best 10 easy standing exercises for seniors.
Mechanisms of obesity-associated insulin resistance. Read the Blog to know about obesity and insulin resistance in detail.
Obesity and hypertension are closely linked health issues that are becoming increasingly common around the world. Read the Blog to know more.
Sarcopenic obesity is considered to be age-related, that leads to loss of muscle mass, strength, or physical performance is known as sarcopenic obesity. Know more about Sarcopenic obesity in this Blog.
The obesity epidemic has taken over the world irrespective of the region and the country one is living in. Learn how you can deal with this issue!
You may be surprised to learn that being overweight or having obesity are linked with a higher risk of cancer. Read more about the connection between cancer and diabetes
Looking for the best options for exercise for the elderly at home to keep them healthy, strong, and fit? Here is what you need to know
Understand the difference between Android and Gynoid Obesity and how to control and treat them with lifestyle changes
Effective Ayurvedic diet tips for people with obesity. Read this article to understand what to eat and not to eat for weight loss
There are many myths and misinterpretations about obesity. Read this blog to understand common myths and facts about obesity
Read this article if you are looking for best diet for obesity. Here is a list of food Items you can easily consume.
Gaining muscles & losing weight simultaneously is very difficult. This meal plan for weight loss and muscle gain will help you to gain lean muscles.
Most meats contain varying levels of cholesterol and lamb is one of them. Since there is cholesterol in mutton, let’s take a detailed look at it and see whether it is good for consumption.
Rice is a widely popular food item that is consumed in abundance all over the world. Get to know the nutritional profile of rice and its varying types in order to manage your cholesterol levels.
Abdominal obesity creates unhealthy fat in your body, belly fat has been related to numerous ailments. Here are 6 quick, scientifically-backed methods for reducing abdominal fat.
Read what fat burner supplements are, it's side effects and how they work
Just because a person may have “lean PCOS” does not necessarily mean it is a good thing. Learn more about lean pcos symptoms and how it can be treated.
The link between obesity and diabetes is well-known. Continue reading to learn why diabetes and weight loss go hand in hand and what you can do about it.
Hereditary is one of the major causes of PCOS and can be transferred from the mother to her daughter. A few other essential causes are mentioned below.
Ayurvedic treatment for pcos or pcod is a slow and gradual process like the saying “slow and steady wins the race”. Here are some of the best treatments.
Lipotropic injections are fat burning injections. Know how these injections helps to remove fat from the liver and significantly reduce fat production within the body.
If you’re looking for some practical and effective ways to lose back fat, this guide is here to help you. Read until the end to get reliable information to begin your back fat loss journey.
Carbohydrates provide a majority of the energy that is required to function on a daily basis. Let’s find out how to plan a high carb diet for weight loss and good nutrition.
wondering whether protein drinks are good for weight loss? Know which protein shakes are best & can prove to be advantageous.
There is a certain difference between ovarian cysts and PCOS. In this blog we have covered differences including causes, symptoms, treatment, etc.
The prevalence of PCOS and the statistics across the globe is alarming. The PCOS India stats are not any better either. Know about the best treatment for pcos in india.
Moving towards PCOS prevention, Here are a few important healthy changes that need to be made in the lifestyle for effective prevention of the onset of PCOS.
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. It refers to the many small cysts that form on the ovaries. Following are a few PCOS facts that bust the myths around PCOS.
A person is more likely to have hirsutism if they have a family condition that causes it, especially PCOS. Know the methods used to treat Hirsutism.
The points mentioned in the blog will make you fully aware of the procedure involved in PCOS surgery.
If you are finding a magic ingredient that can help you improve your PCOS symptoms then you are in the right place. Here are the benefits of flaxseed for PCOS.
Diet and lifestyle modifications are the treatment that a nutritionist might prescribe to a woman with PCOS. Know benefits of consulting a nutritionist for PCOS.
Although acne is a side effect of PCOS, there is another cause of acne too. Learn here about the causes & treatment of pcos acne.
PCOS weight gain is a common symptom of hormonal imbalance among women of reproductive age. Know what are the causes of rapid weight loss & how it can be managed.
Here are details about how pcos causes infertility and what you should do about this health condition.
Despite not having ovaries, men can develop clinical characteristics similar to PCOS also called Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Learn more about male PCOS in this guide.
PCOS is more common than you thought among women of childbearing age. Know more about the pcos symptoms & treatment, its causes & who is affected by it.
Losing weight while breastfeeding is not challenging or abnormal; it just needs the right direction. Follow these 8 healthy ways which will help you in losing weight while breastfeeding.
Many people love having this delicious fruit, but the myths around it make many doubt and raise eyebrows regarding its consumption. Know how you can use mango for weight loss.
To help you better understand stress weight loss, we’ve compiled this epic guide featuring all the information you must know. So read until the end to gain better clarity on the topic.
Don't eat non-veg? No need to worry. Follow this vegetarian diet for weight loss & get a lean physique in no time.
Looking for effective and efficient ways to lose chest fat becomes important in males and females. Read to know the Most Effective Ways to Lose Chest Fat.
Here’s a sample for one week of a low-carb diet plan for weight loss that will produce significant results if you follow it without any cheating.
There are various types of diets that you can pick from. However, there are a few things to keep in mind while deciding which fat loss diet to choose. Read to know.
This complete guide of vegan diet for weight loss ensures you are having the freshest kind of nutrients in a systematic manner to reap their benefits.
High Protein Diet Plan For Weight Loss: Protein is one of the 3 major nutrients you get from food. Follow this high protein diet for weight loss and build muscles at the same time.
Follow this nutritional rich vegetarian weight loss meal plan which will help you to achieve the desired results in weight loss.
Plant-based diet weight loss is a natural way to get rid of the extra calories. Learn everything about how you can begin with a plant-based diet in this blog.
Belly fat exercises are some of the most-searched workout regimes on the internet. Follow these 15 best exercises to lose belly fat effectively.f
Garcinia cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement that is derived from a tree called garcinia. Know more about how it is beneficial for weight loss.
Also known as Isabgol, psyllium husk is a kind of laxative that contains numerous health benefits. Know how psyllium husk help in weight loss & how much to consume it.
If you are looking for a diet to lose belly fat or are searching for a proper plan, it can be done with the following few simple, scientifically proven steps.
Weight loss drinks are a perfect fit for your diet if you are expecting to lose calories while sleeping. Lets find out about these five magic drinks.
Do metabolism boosters truly impact your weight loss process or are these just another weight loss fiction? Here is everything you need to know about metabolism boosters.
If you are a beginner, you must be thinking what are the best exercises to lose weight. Here are the top 8 easy exercises that will help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
A liquid diet plan for weight loss is a plan consisting of nothing but drinks like . Know how It helps people lose weight in the short run.
If you’re ready to lose arm fat, you should follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle for the best results. The following methods can help generate significant results if done consistently.
Following the endomorph weight loss diet is a healthy way to reduce or manage weight and has several long term benefits. Know more about which foods to eat & avoid.
There are various reasons or causes that link depression and weight loss, let’s take a look at some of those & learn how to manage them.
Incorporate these fat burning foods in your diet and give your weight loss journey a major boost.
Weight loss supplements work as they increase the resting metabolic rate of your body. Read to know about the best fat burner supplements for weight loss.
Constant effort is a must to be able to get the desired results regarding healthy weight loss per month. Know How to loose weight in a safe and sustainable way.
Ketosis is a metabolic process. At times, people encourage ketosis as they follow a diet plan usually called keto weight loss plan. This article explores everything about ketosis.
What if we told you you can lose weight without exercise? keep reading to understand the various ways in which you can lose weight fast without exercise.
Herbs can help you to boost metabolism and burn fat. Add these 13 herbs for weight loss to your foods along with an extra benefit to losing weight.
Walking is proven to be beneficial for your cardiac health. Follow this 28 day walking plan for weight loss to strengthen bones and muscles.
One of the major drawbacks of getting diagnosed with hypothyroidism is weight gain. Lose the extra kilos by following the hypothyroidism diet plan for weight loss.
Having a fast metabolism can boost your weight loss progress. Here is a list of foods that increase metabolism and burn fat, to make you get that lean body.
PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a chronic metabolic condition that can severely affect a woman's physical and reproductive health and can also play a huge role in their overall mental well-being. It is a common condition that affects hormones and can result in complications that lead to irregular menstrual cycles, acne, abnormal hair growth, infertility, and other issues. The PCOS hormones connection is a highly correlated one.
People can reduce their pcod and pcos symptoms by consuming a healthy diet. Know more about how diet affects pcos & pcod and which food to consume & avoid.
Confused between PCOS and PCOD? Know how Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is different from PCOD along with their symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatments.
Burning body fat by looking at the perfect exercise for beginners to lose weight at home can be a good start as the fat stops sticking to your body. Become more toned and have a well-defined body with the help of these 10 simple exercises.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is more popularly known as PCOS is a condition where patients suffer from many small cysts in their ovaries. The cause of these cysts is known to be the disturbance caused in a normal, healthy menstrual cycle. This then results in the enlargement of the ovaries and secretes huge amounts of estrogenic and androgenic hormones. It is a condition where the patient suffers irregularity in the monthly menstrual cycle.
If you have a genetic predisposition towards higher weight or obesity or if you want to make sure to lead a healthy lifestyle from the beginning to eradicate the possibility of being overweight and deal with the complications, one of the best techniques would be to follow a 7-day diet plan for weight loss. Of course, these 7 days would be a start of what you could deem an overall balanced diet and lifestyle habit routine. However, to begin with, these 7 days can be a great beginning.
Facing difficulty with losing weight with pcos? Know more about helpful tips to lose weight with pcos including exercises, foods to eat and a lot more.
Belly fat is stubborn that accumulates around your stomach and is extremely unhealthy. Consume these high fiber foods and fiber supplements for weight loss.
The fastest way to lose weight mainly comprises three major fundamentals. Keep reading to know the 3 simple ways that will help you to lose weight quickly.
Eating enough fiber can prevent or relieve constipation, helping waste to move smoothly through the body and weight loss. Here are some best fiber rich foods for weight loss and healthy gut.
Want to get a well defined face structure? Follow these exercises to lose face fat and get a chiseled jawline.
There can be several reasons why fat accumulation happens around the thighs. Keep reading to know the best exercises to lose thigh fat with their benefits.
Got bored having the same detox drink everyday? We�ve brought plenty of variations of weight loss detox drinks that will eliminate harmful toxins from your body.
Majority of women are unawre of pcos consequences. Read to know how pcos complications effects on body.
Stress is inevitable & can have a direct impact on your weight. Learn how anxiety causes rapid weight loss or weight gain and how to manage it.
It is sometimes difficult to tone up your neck. Lose neck fat with these 9 ways and say bye-bye to your double chin for good!
If you are tired of following diets and working out daily to lose weight, then a simple way that you should consider to burn fat in your body through fat burners. Know more about these natural weight loss supplements along with their benefits.
Not able to lose extra pounds? Follow this 6 week fat loss extreme plan to get a muscular and lean physique.
In any industry, especially healthcare, information is power. Because when we have the necessary information, we use it to make decisions that benefit us the most. It is even more paramount when it comes to diabetes because it is a chronic disease that affects the quality of our life. Knowing more about various aspects of diabetes helps us maintain blood glucose levels. When we take informed actions, it will help prevent or delay the onset of heart diseases, kidney diseases, nerve damage, vision loss, etc.
Which Type of PCOS do you have? Learn more about the different types of PCOS and their treatments.
Looking for remedies to make PCOS pain go away? Learn about five tips to manage PCOS pain at home
The symptoms and effects of PCOS can be eased to a large extent through medications & lifestyle changes. Read on to learn more about medications used to treat PCOS.
If you have diabetes or want to lose weight, you have already heard of products that are 'sugar-free’ These products have artificial sweeteners, and are specially designed for people looking to maintain their sugar levels. Managing optimum sugar levels is why more people are replacing regular sugar with artificial sweeteners and consuming sugar-free products.
Patanjali diabetes medicines can help control and maintain sugar levels and reduce the risks of a heart attack. Read on to learn more.
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels may lead to unwelcome diabetes headaches. Sugar.Fit discusses its causes and discusses ways to tackle this common condition.
Having diabetes can put you at a greater risk of a stroke. Learn how to manage your diabetes symptoms better to reduce your chances of a stroke.
It is easier to control your thoughts and feel less anxious once you talk about your problems. Similarly, being truthful about having diabetes and sharing your concerns with friends, family and your health expert gives you the support and boost needed to help you reverse the condition faster.
Does diabetes affect memory? How severe are the repercussions? Lets explain the association between diabetes and memory loss and how to manage it.
Living with diabetes can be challenging to control sugar levels. But with some lifestyle changes, you can manage your diabetes and enjoy a healthy life.
Can diabetes lead to brain fog symptoms? What are the causes of brain fog? How to treat diabetes brain fog? Get all the answers here!
Managing diabetes can be stressful and may cause anxiety in the patients. Learn about the link between diabetes and anxiety and how to control them.
Learn how diabetes and stress are linked to each other and what is the impact of stress on diabetes. Learn what causes stress & how to prevent it.
Diabetes distress is the emotional distress that results from living with diabetes & relentless daily self-management. Know tips to manage diabetes distress.
Just like any other disorder, Diabetes also has an effect your physical and emotional health. Read on to learn how it affects your emotions and how to improve your mental health.
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition that impairs a person's physical, social, mental, and emotional health. Thus making it very important that Diabetes care and treatment includes addressing physical and psychological needs and provide the with psychosocial support.
Diabetes or Hypo Anxiety is real but with the good support, medicines, & following stress-reduction tips , one can effectively cope with diabetes anxiety.
Herbal medicines for type 2 diabetes. - Sugar.Fit
Know more about the Best Ayurvedic medicine from Himalaya for Type 2 Diabetes to control blood sugar levels - Sugar.Fit
Mood swings are one of the most common behavioral traits in a diabetic person. This guide will help you understand how your blood sugar level affects your mood.
Diabetes can become a serious health condition if not managed well. Now manage your diabetes with the best Ensure diabetes care supplements and have a healthy future.
Baidyanath diabetes medicine is prepared from natural ingredients with no artificial flavours. They reduce blood sugar levels and promote health. Read on to know the various diabetes care formulations by Baidyanath and their use.
Amway Products for Diabetes : know more about amway products for diabetes, uses and benefits, dosage, how to take it, side effects and many more
Amul sugar-free dark chocolate benefits for diabetes - Sugar.Fit
Diabetes is a chronic illness that can lead to depression. But, is this all? Let’s dive in deep to know what these link between diabetes and depression
Acupressure for Diabetes - Lower Your Blood Sugar Level - Sugar.Fit
Do you have bad eating habits? Are you suffering from over-eating? Read this article to understand how mindful eating can help you!
Do you have diabetes? Are you looking for alternative ayurvedic medicine? Read this article to learn about Madhunashini Vati!
Post-meal blood sugar levels need to be in the optimal range for the best possible overall health in the short term and the long run. Read more at Sugar.Fit
While fluctuations in sugar levels are normal for a person with diabetes, very frequent and erratic ones might be a cause for concern. Read more at Sugar.Fit
Keeping your fasting blood sugars within the normal and optimal range might be a task that is worth mastering for every person with diabetes.
There are just a few devices that a person with diabetes would need to have in their house & be aware of. Know about devices used in management of diabetes
Glucometer accessories will have to be purchased repeatedly, depending on the usage and frequency of monitoring. Read more details at Sugar.Fit
A high fasting sugar level can create problems for sure if it is left untreated & if it happens regularly. Know what to do if your fasting blood sugar > 120 mg
Ayurveda can be one of the most helpful ways and assisting techniques that can help with dealing with diabetes and its symptoms. Read more at Sugar.Fit
Best glucometers available in India are Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucose Meter Kit, Accu-Chek Instant S Glucometer, Dr. Trust Blood Sugar Testing Machine, MOREPEN Blood Glucose Level Monitor, Beat O Smart Glucometer Kit, OneTouch Select Plus Simple Glucometer, OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Monitor, Beat O CURV Smartphone Connected Glucometer, Accusure Blood Glucose Monitoring System, AMBITECH Elizy Blood Glucose Meter Kit.
There are many types of blood glucose meters available for at-home use. Read article by Sugar.Fit for tips on how to choose the best glucometer for you.
Some people choose to use homeopathic medication for diabetes, into their diabetic treatment plan. Know how effective homeopathy is for diabetes.
Among the several questions that a newly diagnosed person with diabetes may have, one of how often should you check blood glucose? Read to know the answer
Treating your type 2 diabetes with insulin? Learn the ins and outs of giving daily insulin injections. Know tips & tricks about insulin injection at Sugar.Fit
Kali Jeeri seeds are beneficial in multiple ways owing to their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Know the benefits of kali jeeri in diabetes
For effective diabetes management, your lifestyle and daily routine play a key role. To ensure an overall optimal level of blood sugars read about diabetes management at Sugar.Fit
Knowing your blood glucose levels will allow you to make important decisions about medicine, exercise, and diet. Know all about blood glucose conversion
Dinner for diabetic patients: Enjoy tasty meals while controlling your blood sugar. Discover delicious diabetic dinner recipes that are good for you.
The Diabetes Associated Antibody Test is a simple diagnostic blood test to check for the presence of auto-antibodies in order to diagnose autoimmune conditions especially Type 1 Diabetes. Read on to learn when, how and why the test is performed and what it could mean for you.
The difference between urine sugar and blood sugar is that the detection of glucose in the former warns of a spillover effect. Know more in detail at Sugar.Fit
Know the connection between diabetes and dry mouth, medically known as xerostomia, and how a dry mouth is a common sign of elevated blood sugar levels.
Dhokla for diabetes - Dhokla is a healthy, nutritious, and low-calorie food that is easy to make at home. Know is dhokla good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Sugar free foods is a great alternative for people with diabetes. Read this article by Sugar.Fit to know more about are sugar-free products good for diabetics.
Know the difference between Sugar-Free, No Added Sugar, No Sugar, zero sugar, and Unsweetened. Read more to understand which is the best option for sugar for people with diabetes.
A frozen shoulder is a disorder that impacts the joint in the shoulder & causes stiffness and pain. Know the treatment of frozen shoulder for diabetes
Diabeta SR Tablet is recommended to be taken with food to reduce the risk of experiencing vomiting. Know uses, side effects & how Diabeta SR Tablet work.
Is fructose good for diabetes: Fructose is a naturally-occurring sugar primarily found in fruits, some vegetables and honey. Know is Fructose good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Added Sugar Vs Natural Sugar - Know the key difference between added sugar and natural sugar and which is better option for people with diabetes.
Sugar free electrolyte drink: On a low-carb diet, your electrolyte needs go up and that's doubly true if you exercise or get ill. Read how to make your own electrolyte drinks without sugar.
People love cookies, but when diabetes comes into the frame, they have to restrict their sugar intake. Learn sugar-free cookie recipes for diabetes.
If you've developed antibiotic resistance, you will not be able to reap the benefits of antibiotics. Understand the use and risk of antibiotics for diabetes
Added sugar is associated with many serious diseases, including diabetes and obesity. Know all healthy alternatives to refined sugar at Sugar.Fit
Salads have various benefits for people with diabetes. Here are some easy to make salad for diabetes
Discover best salad dressing for diabetics . Packed with fiber and nutrients, it's a great addition to your diet.
Create a diabetes healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet plan.
The ICD-11 is a classification and coding system used by physicians and other healthcare providers, to indicate an exact diagnosis including its type, variant and even the severity of a person's condition.
A pancreas transplant can restore insulin production and improve blood sugar, but it won't cure the diabetes. It only help to slow down some critical issues.
Choose ayurvedic medicine for sugar and BP to help yourself better your health even more by opting for Ayurvedic options of treatment. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Learn about the link between gluten and diabetes, including the effects on blood sugar levels and dietary choices.
Health benefits of Ayurveda extend beyond specific ailments and deal with them holistically. Know ayurvedic home remedy for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Discover Glycemic Index Chart of Indian Foods: To make wise nutritional decisions, learn which popular Indian cuisines have a high or low glycemic index score.
Studies have shown that sprouts help reduce blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Know the nutritional & health benefits of sprouts at Sugar.Fit
Strong evidence prompt dietitians & nutritionists to consider glycemic index of vegetables chart. Know glycemic index charts For Indian vegetables
Basil seeds or sabja seeds are tiny black seeds that can be added to different foods and drinks, during the hotter months. Know the benefits of sabja seeds.
After reading this, one can understand what is controlled diabetes and the consequences if the diabetes is not under control. Know how keep check on diabetes.
Although Weight loss is a sensitive issue it can help reduce the risk of heart-related complications, which can also mean a reduction in insulin intake. Losing about 5% of your weight can offer you many benefits related to your health. The main key to doing so is having a balanced diet and doing physical exercises.Read on to know more.
Type 4 diabetes is not an official term, but research suggests its different from other types. Know more about type 4 diabetes in detail at Sugar.Fit
Triglycerides normal range is less than 150 mg/dL for adults but if it is more than 200 mg/dL it is considered a high level. Know in details at Sugar.Fit
Neuroglycopenia is a shortage of glucose (glycopenia) in the brain, usually due to hypoglycemia. Know the causes, symptoms & treatment of Neuroglycopenia.
Diabetes is a long-term metabolic disease it is important to know how to manag_ condition. Know tips on how to take care of a person with diabetes at hom_.
A weight loss chart is very helpful to keep you on the track when you are on the weight loss regime. Know about detailed weight loss chart at Sugar.Fit
National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) is a partnership of public & private organizations working to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. Read more
PCOS and insulin resistance may have a much stronger link than expected. Know in detail the link between PCOS & insulin resistance for people with diabetes.
Tofu for diabetics - Wondering whether Tofu is good for diabetes? Read this article for details regarding the benefits of soy and associated food risks to consider.
Diabetes and Pneumonia - Diabetes is weakens the immune system, making people with diabetes susceptible to pneumonia. Read more about diabetes & pneumonia
Sky fruit benefits - Sky Fruit is the seed of mahogany fruit and is found in abundance in South Asian countries including India. Know is sky fruit good for people with diabetes.
Does Diabetes cause dizziness? People with diabetes may experience lightheadedness as a consequence of the condition, because of dehydration, or taking certain drugs. Read on to learn more.
Wondering is wheat chapati is good for diabetes or not? Read blog by Sugar.Fit to know details regarding calories, benefits,and the best ways to consume.
Learn about the amazing benefits of pomfret fish for controlling diabetes and enhancing general health. Learn how including this healthy fish in your diabetic diet might be beneficial.
Foods rich in Omega-3 can lower the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Know in detail about Omega-3 & if Omega-3 is good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Mulethi has great potential for use in treating diabetes due to its anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Know how mulethi is good for diabetes.
Are mulberries good for you? Mulberry fruits are gaining popularity as they have high nutritional value, several health benefits, and sweet flavour. Know is Mulberry good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Custard powder comprises cornstarch powder, salt, & food colouring. Custard can be the go-to dessert for diabetes. Know is custard powder good for diabetes
Azithromycin is a popular antibiotic that mainly fights against bacterial infections. Know is consuming Azithromycin, safe for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit.
Prolonged diabetic conditions cause diabetic gastroparesis, wherein the digestive functionalities of the stomach get disrupted due to nerve and muscle damage.
Brandy benefits - Brandy has various benefits for the body if taken in moderation. But is it also suitable for people with diabetes? Read to know is Brandy good for Diabetics.
Glycomet-GP 2 Forte Tablet combines two drugs namely Glimepiride and Metformin used to treat type 2 diabetes. Read on to know more about the use, side effects & actions of Glycomet-GP 2 Forte.
Is ajwain good for diabetes? - An Indian spice, ajwain or carom seed is a common ingredient used in cooking across the country. This article provides insights into the health benefits of consuming ajwain or carom seeds. Know is ajwain good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit.
We already know that people with diabetes are highly vulnerable to developing a more severe form of illness if they go on to get COVID-19. So, what is the most effective method of preventing this from happening? Read on to know more.
Is samak rice good for diabetics? samak (Bhagar) is a traditional Indian gluten-free millet that is high in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and amino acids and provides the nourishment and energy that rice does, but without the sugar spike that is seen with Rice. Read on to know more.
Diabetes and cancer can cause major health issues. They draw a close connection to each other, and knowing about them in detail can help lead a healthy life.
Are blueberries good for diabetics: Before consuming blueberries, know whether blueberry is good for diabetes or raises blood sugar, its glycemic index, nutritional components & benefits.
Know about the benefits of cycling and walking for people with diabetes. Determine the exercise that best suits your diabetes management-cycling vs. walking.
Know details of desserts & sweets for people with diabetes & how they can satisfy their sweet tooth without increasing blood sugar levels. Read more at Sugar.Fit
Cope with diabetes by enrolling in a support group and a good health care program. Read more about daily routine for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Know about the causes, symptoms, & complications of the dawn phenomenon. Know home remedies & lifestyle changes required to prevent the dawn phenomenon.
People with pre-existing conditions like diabetes, take coronavirus vaccines with a pinch of salt. Read this article by Sugar.Fit to clear your doubts.
Know details about upma for diabetes, its glycemic index, nutritional facts, health benefits, and whether upma increases blood sugar. Read more at Sugar.Fit
Can diabetics eat sapota? What are its nutritional components and glycemic index? Does sapota provide any health benefits? Go through the article to know.
Are plums good for diabetics? - Know about plums for diabetes, glycemic index, nutritional components, benefits, types of sugar plums have & whether they increase blood sugar levels.
Know about the best yoga exercises for diabetic neuropathy, its benefits, and five yoga poses for neuropathy. Read more about best yoga poses to improve diabetes neuropathy
Discover the best calcium sources in diet for diabetes management. Learn how to include these nutrient-dense foods in your diet for better bone health and blood sugar control.
Surya Namaskar is beneficial for people with diabetes as it improves the blood circulation and the management of insulin in the body. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Are green beans good for diabetes? Understand bean's nutritional composition & glycemic index to know if your diabetes diet should include green beans.
Learn about Kumbhak Therapy's Healing Power for Diabetes Management
Know about Acanthosis Nigricans diabetes, acanthosis nigricans sign of diabetes, causes, risk factors, prevention and treatment. Read more at Sugar.Fit
Discover the ideal diabetes diet chart for efficiently managing blood sugar levels. Get expert advice on building a nutritious and balanced food plan.
Factitious hypoglycemia arises as a result of unnecessary administration of insulin or insulin secretagogues. Know about factitious hypoglycemia at Sugar.Fit
Want to learn more about the Pathophysiology & Pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Read blog by Sugar.Fit to know more.
How often to test your blood sugars can be a subjective, however, there are a few factors that do affect the frequency of testing. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Checking blood sugars is one of the most vital parts of diabetes management. Know how to determine the accuracy of your glucose meter at Sugar.Fit
Adults aged 45 to 64 are the most diagnosed age group for diabetes. Know more about the age of onset for diabetes, the risk factors and more at Sugar.Fit
Gestational diabetes has emerged as one of the most common pregnancy complications it leads to hypoglycemia in infants. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy is a glucose metabolic disorder characterized by hypoglycemia and inappropriate secretion of insulin
FCPD is an uncommon form of diabetes, however, if it develops, it can escalate quickly and can be hard to treat. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Tenglyn 20mg Tablet is used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Know uses, side effects & how Tenglyn 20mg Tablet work.
Vegetables to avoid for diabetes: There are certain vegetables for people with diabetes to avoid due to their composition and not-so-ideal nutritional profile. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Wondering if peach is good for diabetes, we’re here to answer your question. Peach is good for diabetes because it is low in fat. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Dapaglyn 10mg Tablet is used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Know uses, side effects & how Dapaglyn 10mg Tablet work.
Lunch ideas for diabetes are plenty. All you would have to do is just find a balance between what is good for you and what you would like to eat. Find lunch ideas for type 2 diabetes in this article to make your type 2 diabetes lunch more interesting.
Insulin resistance, also known as poor insulin sensitivity, is a condition in which your cells have trouble reacting to insulin. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state is a diabetic metabolic complication characterized by severe hyperglycemia & excessive dehydration. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Women who have diabetes and periods may have a larger risk of having irregular or unpredictable menstrual cycles. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Can diabetes cause weight loss that is a bit drastic and unexpected? Yes, it can. And that is something one needs to keep a watch on. Know more at Sugar.Fit
High blood sugar in the morning can be a commonly experienced phenomenon by people with diabetes. Know more about high blood sugar in morning at Sugar.Fit
Fatigue and tiredness go hand in hand with a diabetes. Not only can diabetes cause fatigue but also it is worse on some days. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Glycosuria happens when you pass blood sugar into your urine. It's often tied to diabetes. Know the causes, symptoms and treatment of glycosuria at Sugar.Fit
Glycomet GP 1 Forte Tablet is used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Know composition, uses, side effects & how Glycomet GP 1 Forte Tablet work.
Glyciphage SR 500mg Tablet is used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Read on to know Glyciphage SR 500mg Tablet contents, function, uses, and side effects.
Glycirite GP 500mg Tablet is used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Know uses, side effects & how Glycirite GP 500mg Tablet work.
Diabetes Care plans are exactly what they sound like – plans made to take care of different aspects/ medical conditions/ lifestyle etc in a person’s life.
How to make chyawanprash at home: Chyawanprash has been around for ages. Many have consumed it & believed that it has several health benefits. Know how to make your own chyawanprash.
The glycemic index can help people with diabetes decide which fruits and vegetables to consume. Know in detail about glycemic Index of fruits & vegetables
A glucose in urine test measures the amount of glucose in your urine. Know about glucose in urine test in detail including purpose, procedure & results.
After diabetes diagnosis, many people type 1 & type 2 diabetes worry about their life expectancy. Know in detail about diabetes life expectancy at Sugar.Fit
Yeast infection due to diabetes is the result of uncontrolled and frequent high blood sugars. Know more details about diabetes and yeast infection at Sugar.Fit
Leg pain and cramps often occur as a result of nerve damage called diabetic neuropathy. Know more details about diabetes and leg pain at Sugar.Fit
Diabetes in men and women can affect their fertility and chance of having a baby. Know how diabetes affect fertility in Men and Women st Sugar.Fit
Diabetes and smoking are closely related. If you are a smoker, the chances of you getting type 2 diabetes are very high. Know more details at Sugar.Fit
Smoothies is one of the very good options for yummy yet healthy diabetes food option. Smoothies are an increasingly popular. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Adding whole grains to the diet is a smart move that would lead you & your family towards leading a healthier life. Know best whole grains for diabetes
Are Star Fruits Good for Diabetes? - Star fruit has now started to gain much-deserved popularity among people all across the world. Know the benefits of star fruit for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
The C-peptide test is a tool your doctor uses to test whether you have type 1 diabetes. Know in detail about C-peptide test and its importance at Sugar.Fit
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Alcohol with Potato Chips or Alcohol with Peanuts? Read on to find out why making healthy choices in chakna with alcohol is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Whisky Cocktail v/s Whisky with Ice? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Beer v/s Kombucha? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which is preferable: walking or climbing stairs after a meal? Find the ideal post-meal activity for your health and fitness goals by examining the benefits and drawbacks of each.
The ultimate competition between cardio and strength training. Find out which exercise strengthens muscles, burns more calories, and aids in weight loss.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Vodka neat vs Vodka Cocktail? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health.
Which of these practices is the Better Choice? Using or Shut down of Devices at Bedtime? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Oats or Granola? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
When should ACV be consumed? Before or After your Meal? Read on to understand how Sequencing of Food helps your Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Packaged Juice or Fresh Fruit Juice? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Apple Smoothie or Avocado Smoothie? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Potato or Sweet Potato? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Cooked Veggies or Raw Veggies? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Fresh Rice or Cooled and Reheated Rice? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Whole Fruit or Fruit Juice? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health
Which of these should be consumed first? Wine or Walnuts? Read on to find out how Food Sequencing can Improve your Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Maida Paratha v/s Wheat Paratha? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Habits is the Better Choice? Dinner by 9 pm v/s Dinner by 7 pm Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? White Rice or Brown Rice? Read on to find out why making healthy choices is a significant factor in improving Metabolic Health.
What should be Consumed First? Chocolate OR Nuts? Read on to find out how Food Sequencing Matters in Improving Metabolic Health
Find out the nutritional advantages of ragi and salad to decide which is better for your health. Learn right now.
If you're struggling to decide between pizza and veggies, this article is for you. We'll break down the benefits and drawbacks of each to help you decide.
Don't let a lack of sleep compromise your health and productivity. Utilise our professional guidance to discover practical remedies for getting a better night's sleep.
Our brain instinctively signals to us to step back and cocoon, instead of plowing on. But when you have no motivation to complete a task (or even start one), it might be a reason within itself to feel low and lacksidal. So what can you do to pick yourself up in such situations? Read on to learn more.
When the body undergoes stress, it disrupts its ability to maintain the balance of its internal state. The stress can be classified as acute or chronic depending on its intensity and duration. Acute stress is short term and rapid. The stress that lasts for a longer period and is consistent for weeks and months together is chronic stress. Read on to find out how prolonged stress affects your metabolism and what you can do to resolve it.
Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus are different conditions. Know difference between diabetes mellitus & insipidus from their causes and diagnosis.
Which of these should be consumed first? Beer or Veggie Salad? Read on to find out how Food Sequencing can Improve your Metabolic Health.
This article elaborates on the effects of the Covid Omicron Virus on people with diabetes.
Worried about eye health due to fluctuating blood sugar levels? Sugarfit experts will tell you all about foods to prevent diabetic retinopathy.
A diabetic renal diet has to be carefully constructed keeping in mind the specifications of the person. You can get your diebetic renal diet chart customized from your doctor or dietitian to get the best diet for diabetes and kidney disease. Know in detail about diabetes and renal diet.
Is palm sugar good for diabetics: Here we will discuss the nutritional profile of palm sugar, its advantages, and the risks associated with its over consumption for people with diabetes.
There are many tasty superfoods that help to manage diabetes. Researchers found that eating antioxidant-rich foods significantly lowered type 2 diabetes risk. Here is the list of best superfoods for diabetes
Diabetes can cause excessive sweating or insufficient sweating in some people. Know in detail diabetes and sweating at Sugar.Fit
The Plate Method is best defined as a portion management method, based on a simple pie chart that depicts the plate. Read in detail about diabetes plate method.
Which of these Habits is the Better Choice? Post-Meal Sit Down v/s Post-Meal Climb Stairs? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Rice Pulao v/s Quinoa Pulao? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Plain Noodles v/s Noodles with Veggies? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Cow's Milk v/s Soya Milk? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Habits is the Better Choice? Post-Meal Siesta v/s Post-Meal Walk? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? White Rice v/s Millet Rice? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Bread and Jam v/s Bread and Peanut Butter? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Packaged Juice v/s Coconut Water? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Biscuits with Tea v/s Puffed Rice with Tea? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Milk Chocolate v/s Dark Chocolate? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Detailed nutritional, health, and flavour comparison between fruits and eggs. Check to see which one wins.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Wheat Roti v/s Sattu Roti? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Tea with nuts or jaggery? Get the inside scoop on which option is more enticing and healthy. Discover which option is best for you.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? High GI Fruits v/s Combo GI Fruits? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
Which of these Foods is the Better Choice? Whole Fruit v/s Fruit Juice? Read on to find out why Making Healthy Choices is the most significant factor to improve Metabolic Health.
The ultimate competition: Which dish—Biryani or Salad—is healthier?
Lifestyle related disorders like obesity are one of the primary causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Lack of exercise, unhealthy foods, impaired fat metabolism and absence of sufficient sleep are the main causes of improper metabolic health. Read on to see how living a sedentary life can affect the quality of your sleep, and what you can do to improve it.
Making a healthy food choice has a significant impact on your metabolic health. We have heard about several diet plans such as high fibre, keto, vegan, low-carb, and low-calorie diets. With the innumerable choices available, it is confusing to know which diet is right for you.
The microbiome in your gut deals with your digestive function and responds to the presence of different types of food that you eat, adapting itself every time you introduce something new to your stomach. It thus affects your metabolic health. (1) Gut microbiome not only helps in the digestion of food but also supports your immune function. Healthy bacteria in the gut prevent the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and thus protect us from infections. Let's learn more on microbiome diversity and why measuring microbiome diversity matters.
Carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of fuel for your body. Carbohydrates and fats help optimise fueling in your body as they are energy-yielding nutrients that provide calories. The CGM is the best to check the body’s fuel optimisation and proper nutrition.
Research shows that around 30% of people sleep for less than 6 hours a night. The lack of sleep has led to an increase in obesity and diabetes in people. Let’s take a look at how sleep affects the body’s metabolic health.
We often measure how healthy a food is by looking at their nutrition profile, and the amount of good nutrients vs the amount of sugars and unhealthy fats that we want to avoid. Most food have a combination of both good and unhealthy components, making a trip to the grocery store a game of deciding if the benefits outweigh the risks. Metabolic superfoods make this decision easier, since they are high on nutrition and low on calories making your choice a no brainer. Read on to know more.
There are a trillion microorganisms; both good and bad that live in our intestine. They are most commonly found present in a pocket like area of our large intestine called the Cecum. The sheer number of organisms present in one location is what makes the gut microbiome a crucial aspect to care about. But why are they so important? Read on to know more about the gut microbiome and its role in keeping us healthy.
Sleep and metabolic health are closely related, and it should not be surprising that sleep affects glucose levels. There may not be a direct relationship between sleep and raised glucose levels, but there is a direct relationship between exercise and blood glucose levels. Read on to learn more.
We all know that being active every day is good for overall health and in losing weight, among many other health benefits. But when it comes to determining what the best time to exercise is, it seems as though there are as many opinions out there as there are different diets. Read on to know more.
Metabolic dysfunction increases your risk of complications down the road, like heart disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and people who are metabolically unhealthy are at more at risk of falling severely ill. Don't worry, metabolic health may seem complex, but through this article you will learn about the primary and secondary markers that define it.
Biofeedback is a process through which individuals can be made aware about how to improve their health and performance using signals from their own bodies. There are many ways and forms of biofeedback which all of us have used and in our own homes. Some everyday examples are Weighing Scales, Fitbits, Thermometer etc that gives us the “feedback” or information that we can use to guide our actions. Read on to learn more.
Crash diets are very popular and adopted by people wanting quick results in a short time. It could be to fit in to a wedding gown or being swimsuit-ready for a beach holiday or just aspire to be a size zero. However, one needs to keep in mind that crash diets come at a cost. While crash diets may help in achieving your short-term goal, it has a detrimental effect on your body and mind.
Professional athletes have intensive training regimens in order to get that peak performance required to win. Everyday we hear of new health and fitness innovations and inventions including gels, supplements, smartwatches and wearable health equipment . These devices are used to measure, monitor and manage to reach one's fitness goals from So it's no surprise that sports people would want to use a CGM device to help them better their performance. Read on to find out how you can benefit from it as well.
Our body hosts millions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses and fungi inside and outside our body organs such as the skin, mouth and gut. More than 10,000 types of bacterial species can be found within our gastrointestinal tract or gut and can make up to 1 to 2 kg of the body weight. Read on to learn which ones are beneficial and which ones are harmful.
Emotional fatigue is a physiological state caused due to the negative influence of physical performance. Emotional fatigue can occur due to decreased discipline and attention and/or changes in concentration. Athletes believe that emotional fatigue impacts their performance in sports. Emotional fatigue due to overthinking and other environmental instabilities. Read on to learn more on what leads to a change in the athletes' metabolic health and poor metabolism in the body.
Your metabolic health depends on the rate of metabolism. If your metabolism is slow, you burn fewer calories that accumulate in the body in the form of fat. Good metabolic health helps prevent diseases and poor metabolic health results in metabolic disorders. Metabolic health is surrounded by several myths, so here five most common metabolic health myths that need to be busted.
Gut health is associated with different health aspects that do not have anything to do with digestion. Researchers have found that gut health is directly connected to mental health, metabolic health and the immune system and can also result in chronic diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetes.So what is the right way to eat and support gut health your unique body biology? Read on to know more.
Do you find yourself facing digestive problems? Do not worry, you are not alone! Every year, 7.6%-30% of people in India get affected by digestive conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Different factors can take a toll on your gut health including your genetic history, family history and metabolic health. Factors such as diet and stress also greatly affect gut health; however, this can be positively controlled. Read on to know more.
High-intensity Performance Zone (GPZ) describes a person’s optimal fuel range. It is an important concept in metabolic health. In training, maintaining this optimal range is crucial for achieving a sustainable threshold intensity level. Achieving this means acquiring the maximum possible performance gains for the individual. Read on to know more.
A Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) is a small biosensor device that will generally stick to your skin on your stomach or upper arm to continuously monitor and track your blood glucose or blood sugar data 24 hours a day.
Athletes are known for taking their training routines very seriously. They take performance so seriously that they'll try everything to improve it. Read on to learn how you can also benefit by including CGM in your Fitness Training.
Undergoing training sessions during fasting is not an easy task. Read on to know how to plan for training in a fasting condition to metabolise the fat reserve to supply energy.
In our modern lives, we are constantly fighting the threat of being overweight and chronic lifestyle diseases like diabetes. The number of people suffering from lifestyle-related chronic ailments is growing by leaps and bounds and the possible cause of the same is often attributed to the way we live our lives and what we consume as food and beverages.
As an athlete, you need to consciously include fat and protein in your diet to maintain optimum metabolic health. A well-balanced diet will enable the body to store sufficient amounts of glucose. Whenever you exercise, it is important to maintain proper blood glucose levels to sustain your performance.
While fruit juices and smoothies are trendy, we are here to find out whether or not they are as healthy as they seem. You will often see a celebrity or influencer with a big cup of green juice claiming that this can help them get the boost of vitamins and nutrients they need for the rest of the day. However, you do not see that they also have a meticulously planned diet that allows them the luxury of having fruit juices without worrying about the ill effects.
How you recover, recharge and revitalise for life and all the actions you will ask of your body in the future need to be at the top of your priority list, which will determine your metabolic health.The ideal post-workout regimen is easier said than done, but if you are stumped on what to do next or what to do first if you are short on time, we can assist. .Ensure that you are recovering appropriately after the initial post-workout window.
Athletic performance can be maximised in two ways- on-hours performance and off-hour performance. On-hours is the basic training, and off-hours include recovery and preparation. It is crucial to consume a proper amount of proteins and carbs post-workout. The consumption of such food helps recover muscles. Also, it stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and enhances the performance of muscles for the next workout.
Refueling means adding supplies. Refueling acts as a recovery device, it improves performance and helps in preventing illness and injury. It is important to understand that replenishing and recovering from one session will be helpful to prepare you for the next session.
Over the years, both sleep quantity and quality have declined, with more and more people getting poor sleep. For the ones who are tired of waking up tired and groggy in the morning, here are a few science-backed tips for deep sleep.
Lack of sleep can significantly affect how your body uses glucose. Discover how to enhance both with our professional advice.
For healthy living, sleep is inevitable. One can list an abundance of benefits of having enough and proper sleep. Individuals feel the energy throughout the day which the brain needs to process, and store information. This has become even more difficult due to recent lifestyles and profession where people working in medical and para-medical fields, BPO, and places where they have to work in shifts find it difficult to get enough sleep.
The metabolic health of an individual is dependent on the metabolic rate during activity, rest, and also while sleeping. The number of calories consumed to maintain bodily activities while sleeping is called the Sleeping Metabolic Rate (SMR).
If you have poor metabolic health, you may be wondering how much and what type of dairy would be a healthier choice for you. If you have good metabolic health, then your body will use nutrients in a better way to prevent diseases Poor metabolic health is often associated with obesity and also with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Read on to understand the impact of dairy on blood sugar.
Fad diets are often taken up to lose weight rapidly. However, these diets do not take into consideration the nutritional needs of the body and are not backed by any scientific knowledge and gain popularity only because of celebrity endorsements and promotional material. Read on to learn more.
In the past decades, there has been a significant advancement in the role of gut flora, probiotics, and prebiotics and their benefits on human health and disease.The gastrointestinal tract of humans carries over 1,000 different types of bacteria; some beneficial and some harmful. Read on to understand their role in gut health.
Metabolic health ignites the body's ability to convert fat, carbohydrates and protein from meals into energy without developing a lifestyle-related disease such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity. Learn how to some of the most effective ways to enhance your metabolic health.
The microbiome is the biodiversity of microorganisms found within an organism. The microbiome consists of good and bad bacteria along with viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. These form a symbiotic association of mutual interdependence for survival within the body and helps maintain homeostasis and improved metabolic health
If you plan to study metabolic health and how to achieve it, you are sure to come across several medical terms that you are not familiar with. This is why we have created an expansive list of terms related to metabolic health and fitness that will help you along your journey.
A CGM device can help you understand your condition and keep a closer check on glucose patterns. You can better manage your health by understanding the complete picture and preventing or detecting issues early. Read on to learn how CGM can help you maximise your athletic abilities.
By definition, a Biomarker is just any biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disorder. Biomarkers are mainly used to determine or test how well the body responds to a treatment for that particular condition or disorder. Read on to know more about the biomarkers for metabolic health.
Our body is a dynamic machine, and therefore also has energy needs which needs. This energy has to be available, transformed, transferred and utilized every single day in order to keep us alive and running. So how much energy should you be giving your body today? Are you giving too little? Or Are you overfueling when far less is required? Read on to know more.
Our bloodstream carries glucose to all cells in the body to supply energy. A person needs to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Read on to know more.
Under normal circumstances, your body will have some fluctuations in sugar levels in your bloodstream. Intake of food, sleeping habits and mood you are in contributes to the level of glucose in your blood. This is a normal situation while your body is processing glucose.
A low-carbohydrate diet vs a high carbohydrate diet for anything— weight reduction, better nutrition, or athletic performance is a never-ending debate. Yes, it is popularly acknowledged that low-carb diets boost your metabolism and help you achieve short-term weight loss. But is it a healthy alternative that always works for everyone? Let's explore.
As we get older, our metabolism slows down, which can cause weight gain as well as other health problems. It is a normal process characterized by the buildup of metabolic damage. Your metabolic age is determined by how your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the number of calories your body burns at rest, needs to be compared to the average BMR for people your age in the general population.
Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. It is important to eliminate free radicals from the body and replenish antioxidants to prevent oxidative stress. Eat foods rich in antioxidants, stay active, and get sufficient sleep to minimise the effects of free radicals on your metabolic health.
Glucose Recovery Zone indicates the glucose levels one should maintain outside of training based on glucose regulation and other adaptations. It is a key insight to discover your optimal fuel ranges and can be used to improve, recover, prepare, or optimise your workout and other fitness training. Read on to learn more.
We all know that exercising and workouts are one of the key recommendations to reduce blood glucose levels. But have you ever measured your blood glucose levels after an intense workout? If you have, you know how alarming it was to see such high sugar levels despite not consuming any foods that usually cause these spikes. So does exercise reduce on increase glucose levels in blood? Read on to learn how it can do both.
Gut microbiome not only helps in the digestion of food but also supports your immune function. Healthy bacteria in the gut prevent the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and thus protect us from infections.Let's learn more about what is microbiome diversity, its importance, and how measuring microbiome diversity matters.
Finding a vegetarian diabetes diet plan is difficult as people are unaware of the nutritional components of food items. Know diabetes meal plan for vegetarian.
Hypoglycemic coma is a potentially life-threatening consequence of diabetes. Know more in detail about hypoglycemic coma from this blog by Sugar.Fit
Reactive hypoglycemia is defined as a dip in blood glucose (sugar) after eating. Know about symptoms, causes and treatment at Sugar.Fit
whey Protein For Diabetes: Protein supplements like whey can keep blood sugar levels in check and live a healthy life. Whey protein is a milk-based protein that helps reduce weight and prevent type 2 diabetes is because of being high in amino acids and other nutrients. Read on to know more at Sugar.Fit
Protein for Diabetics - Protein does not have a direct impact on the blood sugar levels, but the other nutrients in protein-rich foods can alter these levels. Protein is a macronutrient and one of the primary sources of energy in our body. Know how protein is good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Diabetic nephropathy is a potentially life-threatening consequence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Know cause, symptoms and much more at Sugar.Fit
Is butter good for diabetics: When eaten in moderation, using butter in a diabetes specific diet is low-harm. But it is imperative to understand the dangers and advantages associated with it. Read on to know more!
Do you think idlis are good for people with diabetes? Multiple benefits of idli include its nutritive profile & ease of preparation. Know more at Sugar.Fit
There is always a question of what to eat in diabetes, same for if can diabetics eat cheese? Know more if is cheese good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Is passion fruit good for you? Passion fruit sounds exotic, but it is a fruit that can help you when you are looking to restrict your sugar intake. Know is passion fruit good for diabetes
Diabetic Breakfast Ideas - Just because you have to watch your sugar intake does not mean you have lesser options for breakfast.Whether you are looking for the perfect breakfast for diabetes without compromising on your meal plan, these are the best options you can explore.
There is a lot of debate on what is healthy and what is unhealthy for those who are watching their sugar intake. This article will help you gain access to all the health drinks good for people with diabetes. Read on to learn more about how you can get the most out of these health drinks.
Diabetic alcohol drinks - A lot of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes wonder whether alcohol is suitable for them. The constant struggle with maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar by indulging in a drink or two need not be as troublesome as you would think. A lot of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes wonder whether alcohol is suitable for them. Read this article by Sugar.Fit to know more about it.
Energy drink give you a boost and ensure you are active for the next few hours. Let us take a look at are energy drinks good for diabetics at Sugar.Fit.
Are apricots good for you? apricot fruit has a subtle flavor and a sweet undertone. If you are wondering, “Is apricot good for diabetes?”, you will find the answer here at Sugar.Fit
Strawberry has been referred to as a people with diabetes superfood due to its ideal nutritive content. Know is strawberries good for diabetics? - Sugar.Fit
Check this article as it gives you a bunch of recipes for a diabetes-friendly South Indian diabetic diet chart that is easy to make and fun to eat. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Which Nuts are Good for Diabetics? - There are several nuts that you can consume if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. These nuts would be good for your overall blood sugars, cholesterol, and heart health. Read this article to find out the nutritional information about the best nuts for people with diabetes and ensure that you are consuming them in moderation. Not all nuts are good for diabetes, however, some nuts are considered the best nuts for people with diabetes to eat. Know which are the best nuts for diabetes.
Is Whiskey Good For Diabetes? For a person with diabetes, it is important to do everything in moderation from eating to exercising to even drinking alcohol. Do you want to know if whiskey can be your go-to drink? Read on to know more.
Best alcohol for diabetics - While some may label drinking as a bad habit, we think grabbing a drink or two once in a while is perfectly fine. But what if you've been diagnosed with diabetes? Will you then be able to enjoy alcohol the way you used to before? Read on to know more.
Jamun contains compounds that can help regulate blood sugar levels, making it an excellent diabetic food. Read to know more about is jamun good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit.
There are plenty of Red banana benefits for diabetes. Discover the fibre, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that make this fruit a healthy option for diabetics.
Pistachios are an excellent source of healthy proteins, fiber, fats, and antioxidants. Read on to know are pistachios good for diabetics at Sugar.Fit.
Litchi has a glycemic index of around 50, establishing a safe relation between litchi fruit and diabetes. Know is litchi good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Do you love having your meals without worrying about the calorie count? If yes, you have to add eggplant to your diet, especially if you’re someone with diabetes. Eggplant is a vegetable that makes you feel satiated with less, acting as the perfect replacement for your high-calorie dishes. Want to know more about eggplant? If yes, read this full article till the end. Know is Brinjal Good for Diabetes at Sugar.Fit
If you’re a sugar lover and want to know more about whether eating sugar causes diabetes or not, this article is for you. Know more about does eating sweet cause diabetes - Sugar.Fit
Let the words low-carb not be intimidating for you. Understand what exactly comes under a low-carb meal. Know best low carb diet for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Fiber foods for diabetes - Fibers are known to bring about several benefits and advantages to overall health. Know benefits of fiber for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Is Muesli Good For Diabetes: Muesli is a nutrient-dense high-fiber, high-protein blend of rolled oats, dried fruits, and nuts. Know is muesli healthy for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Individuals with diabetes certainly need to pay attention to the type of foods they eat, and it is also essential that they have a healthy balanced diet. Diabetic patients can include non-veg in their diet which is rich in protein, helping them incorporate the necessary nutrients and keep their blood sugar level from fluctuating. However, red meat is a non-vegetarian food that should be avoided.
Diabetes is a serious issue, but you can easily lead a healthy life if you control your diet and maintain your weight. Green peas can play a vital role in the life of an individual with diabetes. This article will explain are green peas good for diabetics?
Are cherries good for diabetics? Cherries can be safe for people with diabetes as cherries have low G.I., low calorie count and high fibre content. Whereas Cherries should be included in your diabetic diet in moderation.
Spinach has rightfully earned a spot among the top ‘superfoods’. However, is spinach good for diabetics? Know more at Sugar.Fit
Know is broccoli good for diabetes ? Discover its low glycemic index, fiber content, and other nutrients in managing blood sugar.
Aloe vera for diabetes - Aloe vera may diminish both fasting blood sugar and HbA1c in grown-ups with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Know about aloe vera and diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Our body needs Two different kinds of nutrients for us to stay healthy; Macro and Micro-Nutrients. As the name suggests, our body needs Micronutrients in much lesser amounts than Macronutrients, although both are equally important for the functioning of our brains, muscles, bones, skin, and immune system. Did you know that in order to perform the multiple functions needed to run our metabolism, we approximately need 30 vitamins and minerals to be consumed regularly? Read on to find out more about the functions of micronutrients.
The pulses good for diabetes are chickpeas, urad, chana, etc. Consuming half a cup of beans or peas per day may improve diet quality. Pulse intake also has a beneficial effect on serum lipid profiles, as well as on a number of other cardiovascular disease risk variables. Kidney Beans (Rajma) and Moong dal (Green Gram) are good for people with diabetes. They aid in lowering the chances of heart disease, weight growth, thyroid problems, and other ailments. Read about how they help promote weight loss, maintain blood sugar levels and are rich in minerals.
Many experts do suggest that mushrooms are good for people with diabetes as they have low carbs. Know are mushrooms good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Onion contain powerful compounds that may reduce your risk of getting heart disease and several cancers. Know can diabetics eat onion at Sugar.Fit
Wine and Diabetes - A diagnosis of diabetes is already difficult, on top of that the restrictions can get even tougher. Don’t worry, if you like to have the occasional drink with friends and family, red wine has got you covered. Read further to know how red wine will affect your blood sugars and the precautions you can take to drink safely.
Rava for diabetes - Semolina or rava, are all products of wheat. Rava is a coarse flour that is made from ground durum wheat. Know is rava good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Mosambi is good for diabetes! What makes it good? How good is it? How much can I eat in a day? Will I be able to enjoy a glass of mosambi juice in the summer? Read on to find out the answers to all these questions. Gain a complete insight into how sweet lime impacts your overall blood sugars and work accordingly.
Is lemon good for diabetes? Learn how this citrus fruit can benefit those with diabetes by regulating blood sugar and promoting general wellness.
Discover the truth about ghee and diabetes. Is ghee good for diabetics? Does ghee increase blood sugar? Find out in this informative article.
Learn about the amazing dalia benefits for diabetes control. Discover how this nutritious and tasty cuisine can aid with blood sugar regulation.
Exercise for diabetes is an underrated concept. Are you looking for motivating factors that would help you exercise regularly? Then this article is for you.
If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and are looking for natural ways to improve your insulin sensitivity? Know more details at Sugar.Fit
MODY Diabetes (Maturity-onset diabetes of the young) is so-called because its symptoms usually occur in adolescence or early adulthood. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Iron deficiency can cause anaemia or maybe a health risk for type 2 Diabetes. So it is important to get iron rich diet for diabetic patient. Read blog by Sugar.Fit to know iron-rich food for people with diabetes.
Can people with diabetes drink tea? Tea contains less sugar and is safe for people with diabetes, with green tea and ginger tea regarded as more beneficial.
Sucralose for diabetics - Sucralose and other artificial sweeteners are the best sugar alternatives. They are suitable for people with diabetes. Know about sucralose at Sugar.Fit
Stevia sweeteners can make dishes tasty as well as healthy for people with diabetes. Stevia sweeteners are safe and a proper alternative to sugar or artificial sugar supplements in daily diets. Know is stevia good for diabetics or not at Sugar.Fit
Red rice has many health benefits as it keeps your heart healthy, helps to manage your weight and helps in your weight loss, reduces the blood sugar level, keeps your lungs healthy, helps asthma persons, and is red rice good for diabetes. So before adding red rice into your diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Red rice is a type of rice that is red because it has anthocyanin. It has high nutritional value & research states that it is good for people with diabetes.
Individuals with diabetes often avoid bananas as they have high amounts of starch and calories. However, raw or green bananas are much safer to eat than yellow ones. There are many benefits of green bananas or raw bananas. Know is raw banana good for diabetes in this blog.
The abundance of nutrients present in prunes guarantees overall benefits to heart, bone, and muscle health. Know are prunes good for diabetics at Sugar.Fit
Peanut butter for diabetes - If you are asking is peanut butter good for people with diabetes & why the answer would be because peanuts have a low glycemic index. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Olive Oil for Diabetes - Choosing the right cooking oil can be difficult for people with diabetes. Read to know why olive oil good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Multigrain atta is an excellent source of dietary fibre, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. Know is multigrain atta good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Lady finger helps in controlling blood sugar levels & prevents the development of diabetes complications. Know is lady finger good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Ginger and diabetes - While ginger has many nutritional benefits and promotes a healthy body, such as lowering cholesterol levels, lowering body weight, improving insulin levels, decrease blood sugar levels, it also has certain risks. Ginger can be added to the diet by drinking ginger iced lemonade and by adding it as a dressing in salads, drinks, etc. Is ginger good for diabetes? Ginger has many nutritional benefits and promotes a healthy body, such as lowering cholesterol levels. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Is garlic good for diabetes? Yes, garlic is considered one of the best ingredients that must be consumed daily by diabetes patients. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Is Drumstick Good For Diabetes: Drumstick has been known for its benefits for many years. it is considered a superfood for its distinctive & powerful properties. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Dosa for Diabetes - Dosa is a staple recipe, and it is up to us to make it healthier than it is. For people with diabetes, dosa can be a little too heavy. But, adding some other ingredients and replacing the regular white rice can make it healthier and guilt-free to indulge.Read blog by Sugar.Fit to discover how dosa is good people with for diabetes.
Learn how adding cucumber to a diabetes-friendly diet can be a beneficial addition. Find more about its dietary benefits, and delicious ways to consume it!
Cranberries are fundamentally composed of carbs and fibre. They likewise include manganese, copper, and nutrients C, E, and K1. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Brown sugar is considered as a natural, healthy alternative to white sugar..Know brown sugar is any healthier than white sugar for people with diabetes.
The next time you wonder if brown bread is good for diabetes, remember that people with diabetes_can eat brown bread.
Bajra is a gluten-free cereal high in antioxidants, dietary fibre, and protein. It decreases cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Is arbi good for diabetes? Arbi, also known as taro root, is a healthy food option for diabetics. Know more about arbi and diabetes at Sugar-Fit
If you are a person diagnosed with diabetes, you know how tough it can get. It is important to learn how to bring high blood sugar down fast. Some of the things that you could do would be – to take a correction dose, exercise (light, not heavy), drink water, check for ketones, etc. If you are looking at more different ways and options to be able to do so, then continue reading this article. It is important to learn how to bring high blood sugar down fast. Know more different ways and options to bring down high blood sugar fast at Sugar.Fit
Is Seafood good for Diabetes? Fish is one of the best and most nutritious foods and a great source of fatty acids. Read blog by Sugar.Fit to discover healthy seafood for diabetes.
Following a diabetic nephropathy diet will help individuals with diabetic nephropathy control the condition and lead a normal life. Know more about diabetic nephropathy diet at Sugar.Fit
People with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and a large waistline are at an increased risk of this common liver disease. Since the liver plays such an important role in regulating the body’s blood sugar, the buildup of fat in this vital organ can have severe health consequences if not treated on time. Read on to know more.
Because many of the symptoms of gestational diabetes are similar to normal pregnancy, it can be difficult for you to detect it. A doctor typically tests a pregnant woman’s blood sugar levels and uses the data to diagnose gestational diabetes. You can avoid getting gestational diabetes or lower the risk of complications by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy & can affect your pregnancy. Know about diagnosis & treatment of gestational diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Diabetic nephropathy, also known as diabetic kidney disease, is a complication resulting from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Know about diagnosis and treatment.
The article contains information on food that needs to be a part of a person who has diabetes. They can have food such as red beans, fatty fish, leafy greens, avocado, chia seeds, nuts, and many more like this. Each food item has a specific nutritional value below each food item. Controlled diabetes weight loss diet plan will help overcome the problem. Read to know about diabetes friendly diet plan for weight loss at Sugar.Fit
Discover more about coconut's possible advantages for controlling diabetes, such as its low glycemic index and potential to enhance insulin sensitivity.
Is bael fruit good for diabetes? Bael is used in preparing ayurvedic and herbal medications to treat various conditions. Know how to use bael fruit for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Soya Chunks for Diabetes - Soya is a high-quality protein and can be a healthy addition to the diets of people with diabetes who are looking for a different source of protein to replace meat or who want to reduce their red meat consumption. Soya is a high-quality protein & can be a healthy addition to the diets of people with diabetes. Know is soya bean good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Is chia seed good for diabetics? Chia seeds have so many health advantages to them. Learn about the possible health advantages of chia seeds for diabetes management.
Doctors prefer to add chana to diet plans since chana is good for diabetes and a healthy lifestyle. Know why chana is good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Flaxseeds is estimated to contain roughly 3 grams of fibre that inhibits the absorption of sugar. Know why flaxseeds is good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Yam is loaded with high fiber, and antioxidants that makes it a great addition to a healthy diet. Know is yam is good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit.
Urad dal has a lot of nutrients like iron, proteins, calcium, potassium, healthy fats etc. Know why urad dal is good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Suji is coarse or fine granulated wheat. It can be used to make pasta, couscous, and various types of sweet puddings. Suji is rich in proteins and is considered to be a healthy food substance. Suji, also known as rava, is good for diabetes if taken in limited quantities. The fibre in the Rava aids in the release and absorption of a sudden rise in the blood sugar level. It is why some experts recommend suji for people with diabetes.
Besan flour is made from chickpeas and has a GI of 10. Snacks made with besan have a GI of 28-35. It contains high dietary fibres and complex carbohydrates, making it best for the consumption of diabetes patients. It helps in weight loss and proper functioning of the heart, overcomes hunger pangs, reduces constipation, and many more. Recipes made from besan are good to taste and can be eaten by people with diabetes. Enjoy some yummy besan snacks! Besan is made from chickpeas by grounding them to form flour. It is often used in every kitchen. Know is besan good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Are walnuts good for diabetes? Among the numerous benefits, the major advantages are for people with diabetes, heart conditions, proper weight control, bone, brain, and gut health. Read on to know more about how walnuts can help in Diabetes with their nutritional values and benefits.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes you need to maintain a balanced & healthy diet. Read more to know what are the food and drinks to avoid at Sugar.Fit
Coffee helps maintain the sugar levels in the blood in the long run. But it is not healthy for type 1 diabetes people to consume coffee. Know at Sugar.Fit
Cardiovascular diseases are common in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Such individuals are at double the risk of acquiring a heart problem and should be very attentive to any uneasiness in the heart, heartburn or heartache. Most heart ailments can be avoided by healthy eating and lifestyle habits, regular exercise and medication, where necessary. Cardiovascular diseases are common in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Know about the most common heart problems
Duck meat has numerous nutritional benefits; however, is duck good for individuals with diabetes? Know more about duck meat for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Diabetes can produce skin-related symptoms on the body. The formation of yellow, reddish, or brown patches on the skin is a prominent skin-related symptom.
In this article, we discussed in detail: Is store bought soup good for diabetics? Instant soups, canned foods, foods with trans fats, and soups with starchy vegetables are a no-go. These recommendations are not only for people with diabetes but also for those who wish to adopt a healthy lifestyle.It is a healthy & intelligent decision to avoid Knorr soups and switch to homemade soups, which require 20-30 minutes of your day. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Metformin is a sugar tablet prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes who cannot control blood sugar levels by diet and exercise adequately or when these methods are inappropriate in particular cases.
Understanding LADA or Type 1.5 diabetes is vital for people diagnosed with it. Know origins, cause, symptoms, and treatment of Type 1.5 diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Pasta for diabetics - When it comes to nutrition, pasta is equated with pleasure, which can be a terrible word. However, if you enjoy pasta and are prepared to make a few changes to the traditional bowl, you may not need to say goodbye to this comfort food. Read on to learn more.
Both hypoglycemia and anemia occur when your blood lacks the essential nutrients and substances for a healthy life. Lower blood glucose levels and lower RBCs are the root causes behind hypoglycemia and anemia, respectively. Both these ailments have a common set of causes that you must be aware of. Keeping a constant check on such issues under a doctor’s guidance will give you better overall health. Anemia & Hypoglycemia are two distinctive ailments that individuals suffer from, even though a few symptoms are common to. Know more in detail at Sugar.Fit
Protein powders often contain sweeteners, thickeners, vitamins, minerals and artificial flavouring agents. Know best protein drinks for Diabetics at Sugar.Fit.
Is walking good for diabetes? Walking is a major mantra when it comes to curing diabetes. It also allows to keep our weight in check. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Prawns for diabetes - Prawns are an ideal food choice for individuals diagnosed with diabetes. They are low in carbohydrates and have zero sugar content.Know more at Sugar.Fit
Sunflower oil for diabetes - Sunflower oil has an excellent nutritional value with healthy fats and fatty acids. It is a healthier choice for cooking oil. Sunflower oil has an excellent nutritional value with healthy fats and fatty acids. Know is sunflower oil good for people with diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Can people with diabetes drink buttermilk? Buttermilk is nutritious beverage that can be safely consumed by people with diabetes. Know more about the buttermilk benefits for people with diabetes in this blog.
Best cooking oils for diabetes: Oil has many health benefits so it is important to control the amount of oil you consume daily. Know which is the best oil for diabetic patients.
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can benefit people with diabetes by delivering fewer calories & increased vitamins & minerals. Know can diabetics eat grapefruit in this blog.
Cinnamon for Diabetes - Cinnamon has long been recognised for its medicinal benefits. It's been stated, in particular, that it helps with blood sugar regulation, which is crucial for people with diabetes. Cinnamon has been demonstrated in several studies to help manage its complications and reduce blood sugar levels, among other health advantages. Know more at Sugar.Fit
White rice contains many carbohydrates and calories and fewer fibers than healthier options like brown rice. Read on to know more about can diabetics eat white rice at Sugar.Fit.
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar falls below the normal level. Following a hypoglycemia diet plan (excludes processed and sugar-rich food, caffeine, alcohol, trans and saturated fats) or a non-diabetic hypoglycemia diet (contains proteins, fibres, meat, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, etc) can help combat hypoglycemia. A hypoglycemia diet should exclude processed foods, foods rich in sugar, more caffeine, alcohol, trans and saturated fats. Know more details at Sugar.Fit
Are pears good for diabetics? - The pear should be included in one's daily diet to work as an accelerator in the reduction of diabetes. Know is pears good for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Tapioca has next to no fat and has high fibre, which helps to decrease cholesterol levels. However, is tapioca good for diabetics? Know more at Sugar.Fit
In general, low-GI foods have GI scores below 55. Low-GI foods are healthy for our bodies. Know about low GI food list for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Exercise Induced Hypoglycemia is caused due to an imbalance between nutrition, training volume, and other external influences. Know more detail at Sugar.Fit
Stretching exercises for people with diabetes are focused on the muscles, nerves, and joints. Know more about stretching exercise for diabetes at Sugar.Fit
A straightforward way of reducing gestational diabetes and its symptoms is by doing yoga asanas every day. Many yoga poses, such as the cobra pose, the bow pose, the plough pose, and others, are helpful and effective. The main change occurs in the blood sugar levels, which are decreased and gradually maintained at a normal rate. For women in pregnancy, yoga helps prevent gestational diabetes and is safe for the mother and the foetus. Yoga is one of the best forms of additional treatment for people with gestational diabetes. Know more about yoga for gestational diabetes at Sugar.Fit
Whenever people with diabetes were asked what type of exercise they do, over 60% of them said "walking” or “jogging" this is a widely held opinion not only in our country but around the world. While they are beneficial, if you are discussing the reversal of people with diabetes, stopping medications, and stopping insulin, it wouldn't be enough to stroll by doing a little yoga. In addition, people remain ignorant of the proper exercise combination. People are working hard, but they are working in the wrong direction. And so, it is recommended to perform an anti gravity exercise for diabetes. The anti-gravity exercises can prove beneficial for people with diabetes. Anti-gravity exercise for diabetes to help build strength. Know more at Sugar.Fit
Learn about the advantages of aerobic exercise for diabetes management and control. Get expert guidance on how to incorporate aerobic workouts into your schedule.
After ruling out other causes, diabetic neuropathy is defined as the existence of signs and/or symptoms of peripheral nerve damage. Neuropathies cause nerve fibre function to deteriorate over time. Diabetic neuropathy can impair sensory, motor, or autonomic nerve fibres, or a combination of them. Diabetes and its consequences can be controlled with rigorous dietary blood glucose monitoring, medicines, and exercise. Physical activity and exercise for diabetic neuropathy are essential components of a diabetes care strategy. Know more about exercise for diabetic neuropathy
Diabetes is a chronic health condition in which the blood sugar levels of a person are too high. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas in the body cannot produce enough insulin to control the amount of sugar in the blood. High blood sugar levels can be regulated or controlled in many ways. Healthy practices such as prediabetes physical exercises should be adopted, and blood sugar levels should be monitored daily. Simple Home Exercises should be adopted, and blood sugar levels should be monitored daily to fight diabetes. Know more in detail at Sugar.Fit
What is normal sugar level by age? - Blood sugar between 90-110 mg/dL is considered normal but can differ as per your age. Understand more about the normal blood sugar level by age at Sugar.Fit
It is important to include good carbs in the diet but for diabetics, it has certain risks. Carbohydrates affect people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes in different ways. Carbohydrates are good for people with diabetes. Can too much carbohydrates cause diabetes? Know about carbohydrates and diabetes at Sugar.Fit
The DASH diet is a hypertensive diet for prediabetes was created to lower the risk of heart disease in those with high blood pressure and heart disease. Know more about how the DASH diet for diabetes works at Sugar.Fit
It is very important to manage a healthy balanced diet in Diabetes. Follow our tips to use the Mediterranean diet for diabetes book to manage your type 2 diabetes. Know more about Mediterranean diet for diabetes at Sugar.Fit