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Everything You Need To Know About Type 4 Diabetes
Type 4 diabetes is an autoimmune condition like type 1 diabetes; hence, it is not related to obesity. However, it may be linked to ageing. Insulin resistance is one of the symptoms of type 4 diabetes, just as it is with other types. Here, insulin resistance is due to ageing.Older adults with type 4 diabetes are typically thin and have no weight-related health issues. Because these people don't usually have diabetes risk factors, their illness may go undiagnosed until it causes severe complications.
Table of Contents
Causes of Type 4 Diabetes
Older people without excess body fat can develop insulin resistance and, thereafter, type 4 diabetes. They are particularly vulnerable because they are neither overweight nor obese. Read more about diabetes causes.
Symptoms of Type 4 Diabetes
Many type 4 diabetes symptoms are similar to those of other diabetes mellitus. Doctors may not suspect diabetes because it usually affects moderately-weight people. The symptoms are:
• Slow-heal wounds
• Feeling thirsty
• Too much hunger
• Urinate frequently
• Unexpected weight loss
• Blur Vision
• Tiredness
How to Test for Type 4 Diabetes
Following are the standard tests for diabetes that you should be aware of.
• A1C Test :One of the most common ways to diagnose diabetes is with this blood test; you can get the test done at any lab. You don't have to fast before getting an A1C test. It is not the appropriate test if you are pregnant or have a rare form of red blood cells and is not always reliable. Therefore, your doctor may advise a different blood test.
• Fasting blood sugar test :You must fast overnight for this test. If your diabetes is severe, it may not be a good idea to go that long without food.
• Oral glucose tolerance test :It is another option for a fasting period. Testing takes two hours, and you start with a sugary drink.
• Random blood sugar test : You take this test at random times, not during meal times. Also know about random blood sugar normal range.

Treatment of Type 4 Diabetes
Type 4 diabetes doesn’t yet have an official diagnosis. Treatment for this condition is just one of many aspects that scientists are still studying. However, the researchers at the Salk Center are hopeful that they can create an antibody medication that can control type 4 diabetes by reducing regulatory T cells in the body.
As a result, your doctor will likely treat your type 4 diabetes with the same drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, like DPP IV Inhibitor, until this medication becomes available.
Type 4 diabetics are not likely to benefit from the many lifestyle changes recommended for type 2 diabetics. Weight reduction is a popular recommendation for type 2 diabetics. People with type 4 diabetes will not benefit from this. They have a moderate weight, so weight loss doesn't reduce regulatory T cells. Read more about treat gestational diabetes.
Prevention of Type 4 Diabetes
Studies in mice suggest an association between ageing and type 4 diabetes. There needs to be more human research done to back up this theory. There is no way to know if there is a way to prevent the condition without knowing the results of these studies. Also read about how to prevent diabetes.
Usually, diabetes is associated with excess weight and hence an increase in the regulatory t cells, leading to diabetes. But with type 4 diabetes, that is not the case. The symptoms of this diabetes are also similar to the other forms of diabetes, and since most diabetes affect people with heavier or moderate weight, the doctors might not even suspect the presence of the disease. According to studies the ageing process can lead to excess regulatory T cells in the body and may cause Type 4 diabetes. Also know about fasting blood sugar level.
What are the Other Common Types of Diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes : Its cause is unclear. The immune system damages insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells, though some genes may have a role. Viruses may also trigger immune system attacks.
Type 2 diabetes: Genetic and lifestyle factors cause type 2 diabetes, while obesity increases the risk. Extra weight, particularly in the belly, makes cells resistant to insulin's blood sugar effects.
Gestational diabetes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause Gestational diabetes. In pregnant women, hormones produced by the placenta reduce insulin's effectiveness on the woman's cells. It can increase blood sugar during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is common in women who are already overweight when they become pregnant or who gain excessive weight during their pregnancies.
Can Type 4 diabetes be Cured?
Even though there's no particular cure for diabetes, we can still treat and control it, and some people may go into remission. The following are some of the steps you can take to manage your diabetes better:
• Manage your blood sugar levels : Know how to keep them as normal as possible daily: test your blood sugar levels regularly, don't forget to take your diabetes medication regularly, and get enough sleep, medicine, exercise, stress management, and food.
• Make sure you plan what you'll eat at each meal : Stick to your diabetes diet plan.
• Bring healthy snacks with you :Eat fewer empty-calorie snacks.
• Exercise regularly :Regular exercise is beneficial for losing weight, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and maintaining health.
• Keep up with your medical appointments. : Never miss your appointments for regular consultation along with your ophthalmologist, dentist, podiatrist, doctor, and diabetes educator.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/type-4-diabetes#:~:text=Type%204%20diabetes%20is%20the,but%20are%20older%20in%20age
- https://www.salk.edu/news/salk-news/faq-on-type-4-diabetes/
- https://diabetesresearchconnection.org/new-type-4-diabetes-not-linked-to-obesity/
- https://blackdoctor.org/type-4-diabetes/2/
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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