pineapple good for diabetes
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Can Diabetics Eat Pineapple?

As diabetes is a chronic condition, it needs to be managed constantly. Thus, it is important to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet, but they also consist of natural sugar. Being a sweet fruit, we have often seen diabetic patients avoid pineapple. It is because many don’t know the answer to is pineapple good for diabetics? People presume that it will affect their blood sugar, so they avoid it altogether. But, the real question is whether it must be avoided at all costs or can it be consumed safely? Well, fruits can be beneficial for people with diabetes. So, can diabetics eat pineapple? While this fruit can have an impact on your blood sugar when compared with other fruits, it is still possible to incorporate it into the meal plan of a diabetic person. Let’s find out how.

Pineapple Nutritional Value

Pineapple is a nutritious fruit that contains calories, carbohydrates, fibres, etc. In a single cup of fresh pineapple chunks, the nutritional value will be:

  • Calories- 82 grams
  • Carbohydrates- 22 grams
  • Fibres- 2.3 grams
  • Proteins- 0.89 grams
  • Fats- 0.20 grams

Pineapple and diabetes

Pineapple is a fruit that is free from fats and is rich in vitamins and fibres. For diabetic people, fibres are important. Why? They help in lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol and regulating bowels.

Moreover, the glycemic index (GI) ranking of pineapple is medium (56 to 69). But, when we compare it with other fruits, it has a high GI ranking. For instance, it has a higher GI than those of orange, banana, apple, grapes, strawberries, mango, etc. So, it brings us back to the question of can a diabetic patient eat pineapple?

Unsweetened pineapple juice has a low glycemic index ranking as there aren’t any solid carbohydrates in it. By comparing tinned pineapple in juice with a fresh one, we see that the GI ranking is almost the same. Thus, diabetic patients must avoid tinned pineapple in juice.

Thus, you see that a diabetic patient can eat pineapple safely. There’s no need to be scared of the high GI ranking of the fruit. Diabetic patients can still eat it safely. Even a small amount of fruit can satisfy the sweet tooth of diabetics, sometimes even more than apples or grapes. 

The healthiest way a diabetic patient can eat pineapple is in raw or frozen form. Pineapple that has been processed or canned will usually include added sugar, mostly when it is in the form of syrup. If you cannot find any option other than canned pineapple, opt for one that is canned in water instead of syrup.

Similarly, instead of pineapple juice or dried pineapple, you must always opt for raw or frozen pineapple. The juice or dried ones usually include sugar that can result in the rise of your blood sugar levels.

Most importantly, eat pineapples in moderation to not harm your blood glucose level. It is recommended to pair the fruit with proteins (Greek yoghurt) or healthful fats. Eat the protein first and then the fruit. This will reduce your meal’s total GI value and slow down blood sugar rise.

You can also have it as a dessert after you eat foods that are low in GI like beans, brown rice, whole-grain pasta or bread, lean proteins, barley, etc. You can simply have it in a raw form or even grill it to eat it with your main meal.

What is Pineapple good for? - Benefits of Pineapple

1) Rich in vitamins and minerals

Pineapple helps your body's immune system by providing a rich vitamin C content. It helps to protect your body from foreign germs and keeps you healthy. In addition to vitamin C, pineapple is rich in other essential vitamins and minerals crucial for maintaining good health. For example, it contains vitamin B6, which plays a role in the production of red blood cells and neurotransmitters, as well as helping to support the immune system. Pineapple is also a good source of vitamin A, which is important for maintaining healthy eyesight, skin, and mucous membranes.

2) A high level of antioxidants

In some countries or cultures, pineapple is treated as a medicinal fruit. The fruit contains a substance known as Bromelain which can reduce inflammation in your body. Although multiple creams and products are available in stores that are rich in Bromelain, the best way to get the nutrient naturally is pineapple. Bromelain in pineapple is also effective in digestion. Therefore, it is often referred to as a meat tenderizer. 

3) Boosts the recovery after any surgery

The time required to recover from any surgery or its after-effects is reduced with pineapple. These all are due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Bromelain present in pineapple. Sometimes, it has also been found that Bromelain reduces inflammation, pain, and swelling after dental surgery. 

4) It may aid in digestion

Pineapple contains a group of digestive enzymes known as Bromelain, which can help break down protein molecules in the body. This can aid digestion and may be especially beneficial for individuals struggling with digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion.

5) It may promote healthy skin

Pineapple contains antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and flavonoids, which can help protect the skin against damage from harmful free radicals. These antioxidants can also help promote collagen production, which is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin. Additionally, the high water content in pineapple can help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

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Is pineapple juice good for diabetics?

There is no food or fruit restriction for diabetic patients. But you need to see how your fruits fit the rest of your diet and lifestyle. Although they contain sugar, that does not mean you must avoid Pineapple Juice. Pineapple juice is an excellent choice for diabetic patients as it contains fiber, minerals, and vitamins. But make sure you have control over the quantity of juice you have. 

Pineapple is a fat-free fruit that can lower blood sugar levels due to the amount of fibre present. It also regulates bowel function and reduces cholesterol levels. But, keep a check on the quantity of pineapple intake. Add a protein like low-fat cheese with one portion of pineapple. Also, you can combine pineapple with some chicken fries to make them sweet. 

If you have pineapple with protein, make sure to have the protein first before having the pineapple. According to studies, it has been found to reduce the rise of blood sugar levels in the body. 

Furthermore, pineapple also contains Bromelain, which is an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body. Diabetes is a condition that can lead to chronic inflammation, so including anti-inflammatory foods like pineapple in the diet may be beneficial for managing the condition.

Pineapple also has a low glycemic index, meaning it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This makes it a good option for diabetics who must carefully monitor their blood sugar levels.

Glycemic Index of Pineapple

If you want to determine the efficacy and benefits of pineapple for diabetes, checking pineapple gi index and ensuring that it is not very high to cause any blood sugar spikes would be vital.  Glycemic index is essentially how fast and high the blood sugar levels of your body will rise upon the consumption of a particular food. Several factors contribute to determining the glycemic index of a particular food. The overall sugar and starch content, ripeness, fiber, etc can help to understand the GI of a fruit. The higher the GI score, the faster it will raise the blood sugars. However, you can still balance high-GI foods and make their glycemic load lesser by pairing them with low-carb and high-fiber foods.

The pineapple glycemic index is between 51 and 73, depending on its origin. The processing and ripening of foods as it causes an increase in the amount of sugar the fruit can release and how rapidly the body responds to it by absorbing it. Whole fruits, therefore, will have a lower GI, and juices and ripe fruits will have a higher glycemic index as compared to unripe fruits.

Is Pineapple Good for Diabetes?

Pineapple is good for diabetes. Manganese and vitamin C are both present in pineapple. Additionally, it contains fibre, vitamins A and B, as well as a substance called bromelain, which has a number of claimed health advantages. These elements make pineapple a healthy complement to a diet that is suitable for those with diabetes.

How to include Fresh Pineapple in a Diabetes Diet?

Now that we are aware that pineapple is good for diabetics and understand that having fresh, whole fruit will provide more benefits than any other form of this fruit. You can eat this fruit fresh and raw or even a frozen pineapple will provide the right kind of nutrition.

  • Canned pineapples may be highly processed and preserved with the addition of sugar. Avoid these pineapples as they may be devoid of the right kind of nutrition and may lead to unhealthy spikes in blood glucose levels. In case you are looking for canned pineapples, avoid the ones preserved in syrup.
  • Opt for raw and frozen pineapples instead of juices. Fruits in the form of juice can lead to fibers and other nutrients being depleted and can only result in the intake of sugar content.
  • Pineapples in the form of desserts, like raw pineapples cut on cakes, etc can also be a good and tasty option for a person with diabetes to consume.
  • Consume pineapples in moderation as the sugar in pineapple can lead to spikes at times. The best option would be to pair it with other low-GI and high-fiber foods as an evening snack. 

How much pineapple can diabetic have?

Pineapple and diabetes may be good options if consumed in moderation. Since pineapple is high in its natural sugar content, it might not be very suited for a person with diabetes daily. However, the essential nutrients that it contains may contribute to the well-being and overall health of a person. One serving of pineapple can provide about 26.8 mg of Vitamin C. This can also add to the maintenance of a healthy immune system. Other properties that pineapples contain would be calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, vitamin A, folate, etc. These can help boost overall health. The natural sugars, however, can lead to spikes in the levels of glucose in the blood post the consumption of pineapples. Therefore, no more than 100 grams (approximately 1 cup of cut pineapple) should be consumed by people with diabetes.

Is Pineapple high in sugar?

Pineapples can be fairly high in their overall sugar content. Essentially, it is a fruit that is loaded with several nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, however, they may not be super healthy and helpful for a person living with diabetes due to the higher glycemic index that it ranges in. Pineapple and diabetes can be a good combination if portion control is maintained and it is carefully charted out in the diet plan. A thin slice of pineapple will contain about 7.5 grams of carbs and ½ cup of pineapple will be about 15 grams of carbs. Considering the thin slice of pineapple, out of the 7.5 grams of carbs, 5.5 grams is naturally occurring sugar. This quantity is considered quite high when planning a diet for a person with diabetes. Therefore, when the consumption of certain fruits that have a high sugar content is being considered, it is important to either pair them with other snacks that can help reduce the blood sugar spikes that can be caused, or strict portion control would need to be maintained.

GI Monitoring

A common myth that has been around for ages is that diabetic people must avoid fruits. Well, fruits are considered to be a healthy food source containing vitamins, antioxidants, fibres, potassium, minerals, etc. Diabetic people can eat fruit, but it must be within a limited intake.

Fruits contain carbohydrates that are macronutrients known for having a major effect on blood sugar. While some fruits are sweeter than others, similarly, some have less carbs than others. To measure these values, we use GI. GI is used for ranking the speed at which your blood sugar level will rise when you consume carbohydrate-based foods. Glucose has a score of 100, whereas water scores 0.

The factors that contribute to the GI score are:

  • sugar and starch content
  • the amount and type of processing
  • fibre content
  • cooking method
  • ripeness
  • the range of fruit or specific canned or other product

As a result, foods with a high GI score (70 and above) can raise sugar levels rapidly in comparison with foods with a low GI score (55 and below). Thus, you see, it is more about how much fruit you’re consuming within your diet rather than can diabetics eat pineapple or not?


All in all, whenever diabetic patient eats or drinks pineapple juice, they must ensure that the sugar intake for the day is within limits. Moreover, it is also important to take care of the carbohydrate consumption and the GI of your whole meal. To avoid excess intake, one can make a note of their consumption. It is because consuming pineapple in excess can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels. Thus, it may harm diabetic people. Do not eat more than 100 gm of pineapple per day, and try to avoid syrups or pineapple juices. It is advised to have a pineapple between meals. You can eat it as a healthy snack but do not eat it on an empty stomach. It may result in acidity. Thus, have it after meals.


1. Does pineapple raise blood sugar ?

Pineapples can surely be included as a part of the healthy diet plan – however, in limited and moderate quantities. It is advised to not consume canned or frozen pineapples as it can cause spikes in the sugars. One can pair pineapple with a food with a generally low GI to reduce the overall glycemic load that it can otherwise put on the blood sugars. 

2. Which food reduces diabetes quickly?

 Certain foods like – plain yogurt, buttermilk, cheese, vegetables, apples, whole grains, cinnamon, almonds, walnuts, unsweetened lemonade, etc can help to significantly regulate and maintain a healthy blood sugar level. They may not reduce ‘diabetes’ but can help manage high blood sugars. Including these foods in the daily diet will be beneficial

3. Is Pineapple Juice good for Diabetes?

No, pineapple juice is not good for persons with diabetes. This is because just one fluid ounce of 100% pineapple juice is known to contain around 13 grams of carbs. Juicing a fruit is a process where the fibers are broken down and the sugars will enter the bloodstream more quickly.  Even unsweetened juices have the same effec.

4. Is Grilled Pineapple for Diabetes good?

Yes, grilled pineapple can be a good option for a person living with diabetes. However, they will have to ensure that they do not consume grilled slices of pineapple in larger quantities. Not more than 2 thin slices should be eaten in one serving as the high natural sugars in the fruit can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels in the body.

5. Is frozen pineapple good for diabetes?

Yes, raw, and frozen pineapples are known to be beneficial for people with diabetes. This is because they do not contain any added sugars besides the ones naturally occurring in the fruit. Pairing these pineapples with high-fiber fruits or foods would give the best results in terms of avoiding blood sugar spikes.

6. Is Canned pineapple good for diabetes?

Yes, canned pineapple can be good for diabetes only if they are preserved in water and not syrup. Canned foods are often highly processed, which means that a lot of sugar is used to preserve the food for a long time. This high sugar content can create certain issues for a person with diabetes.

7. Is Canned pineapple good for diabetes type 2?

Yes, pineapples can be a part of the staple diet of a person with type 2 diabetes. However, canned pineapples can have higher contents of sugar in them owing to the nature of the preservatives. This is why it would be important to read the labels of the cans thoroughly before purchasing them for someone with type 2 diabetes. 

8. Which fruits are good for diabetes?

1) Berries

2) Cherries

3) Plums

4) Grapefruit

5) Peaches

6) Apples

7) Pears

8) Kiwi

9) Oranges

Does pineapple have a lot of sugar?

Among the fruits of the season, pineapple is somewhat higher in sugar levels. But, the sugar content present in pineapple is natural. It is suitable for diabetic patients, but due to the increased glycemic index of pineapple, users must check the amount of pineapple they have every day. It's important to note that the sugar content in pineapple is still lower than in many processed foods and sugary drinks, making it a healthier alternative for satisfying a sweet tooth.

Is pineapple bad for diabetics?

You can consume pineapple in quantities as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Due to its increased sugar content, you must have pineapple in moderation. Therefore, it can't be concluded that pineapple is bad for people with diabetes because it has multiple advantages for diabetic patients. It is important to remember that portion control and moderation are essential when incorporating pineapple into a diabetic diet. Still, overall, it can be a healthy and nutritious choice.

Are pineapples high in sugar?

The glycemic index of pineapple is 59. Therefore, compared to other fruits, pineapple is relatively high in sugar. But, since the average water is 86% as a whole in the entire Pineapple fruit, their glycemic index as a whole gets reduced to 6. Therefore, they might not be low GI, but they can benefit diabetic patients. 

Is pineapple good for type 2 diabetes?

Due to the overall low glycemic load and high fibre content, vitamins and minerals, pineapple is very much effective for type 2 diabetes. But for them, you must ensure you have at most 100 gms of pineapple daily. But be cautious of the pineapple intake for better results.

Is pineapple good for prediabetes?

Yes, pineapple is good for prediabetes because they are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and increased fibre content. Therefore, if you want to keep your blood sugar level on the lower side, you can intake pineapple in the proper quantity to ensure it doesn't harm you. Additionally, the high fibre content in pineapple can help slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes and may be beneficial for individuals with prediabetes.


This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.