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Shifa Fatima, MSc.
Dr. Apoorva T, MHM.
Lamb and Cholesterol: Know the Facts
Lamb is a widely popular red meat which can be prepared in a variety of ways and is very common in the Mediterranean and American diets. Lamb is relatively lean and has a high protein content, taking its nutritional value higher than other meats. Most meats contain varying levels of cholesterol and lamb is one of them. Since there is cholesterol in mutton, let’s take a detailed look at mutton, its nutritional benefits and whether or not it is actually good for consumption.
Table of Contents
Nutritional Value Of Mutton
Mutton is a popular red meat and is derived from the goat or sheep that is more than a year old. It is considered to be one of the healthiest types of red meat as it has low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol and contains high levels of iron, as compared to other red and white meat. Goat meat tastes vibrant and robust and has a little bit of a sweeter taste. Protein, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, and potassium are just a few of the essential minerals that are found in abundance in goat meat or mutton. Although mutton has low levels of total fat, there is some amount of cholesterol in mutton which raises the question is mutton really good for health. Here is the nutritional profile of around 85 grams of mutton.
- Calories: 122
- Protein: 23 grams
- Fat: 2.6 grams
- 0.8 grams of total fat is saturated.
- Carbs: 0 grams
- Sugar: 0 grams
- Fiber: 0 grams
- Riboflavin: thirty percent of the recommended daily allowance (DV)
- 18% of the daily value for iron
- 17% of the daily value for vitamin B12
- 30% of the daily value for zinc
- 10% of the daily value for potassium
The Impact Of Cholesterol
Produced in the liver and found throughout the cells in the body, cholesterol is a waxy substance which aids various bodily functions such as digestion, the generation of hormones, and the formation of vitamin D. cholesterol is famously known to be bad for the body but only in excess. The amount of cholesterol our body needs daily is produced by itself and any amount of excess cholesterol consumed can be harmful for the body.
Lipoproteins, which are lipids enclosed in protein, transport cholesterol throughout our bodies. Lipoproteins are classified into two types: high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). You need enough quantities of both to sustain good health. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol. It is possible for large amounts of it to build in the body's arteries. This may cause the arteries in the body to constrict, limiting the flow of blood to and from the brain and heart. As a result, the chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke rises. HDL is the kind of cholesterol that is referred to as "good" cholesterol. It does this by moving cholesterol from other parts of your body to your liver, where it either helps you manage your cholesterol or removes it totally.
Be Aware Of Your Cholesterol Levels
Being aware of your cholesterol levels is crucial in order to maintain good health. Doctors suggest that the LDL level in the body should be less than 100 (mg/dL) in order to achieve optimum health. A reading that falls between 130 and 159 mg/dL is regarded to be on the upper end of the normal range. Having high HDL cholesterol, as opposed to LDL cholesterol, is better for the body.

Nutritional Value Of Lamb
Lamb is the meat derived from goat or sheep that is less than a year old. Lamb has a high protein content and one serving of lamb usually has 23 grams of protein in it. Since lamb is rich in micronutrients it is beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight, athletes, people who’ve recently had surgery or suffered an injury. Here is the nutritional profile of lamb and the micronutrient it contains.
Calories | 171 |
Total fat | 8 g |
Saturated fat | 3 g |
trans fat | 0 g |
cholesterol | 74 mg |
sodium | 68 mg |
potassium | 0 mg |
total carbohydrates | 0 g |
dietary fiber | 0 g |
vitamin b6 | 0% |
protein | 23 g |
vitamin c | 0 % |
iron | 11 % |
magnesium | 0 % |
All of these nutrients are essential for crucial bodily functions, such as maintaining healthy bones and immune systems, as well as controlling cholesterol levels. Lam has healthy monounsaturated fats which when consumed in moderation have been shown to be beneficial to the heart. They have been shown to decrease levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which in turn lowers the chance of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Vitamin E is another antioxidant that may be found in monounsaturated fats. A diet that is properly balanced should include plenty of healthy fats. They are able to facilitate the process of your body absorbing nutrients. Conjugated linoleic acid is present in large amounts in lamb (CLA). It has been shown that this naturally occurring acid may cut down on overall body fat mass which when consumed in moderation, might help you lose and keep weight off.
Health Benefits Of Lamb
Lamb may be a fantastic addition to a diet since it is an outstanding source of high-quality proteins, as well as a rich supply of many vitamins and minerals. Here are the various health benefits of lamb and the impact it has on different aspects of the body.
Muscle maintenance
Lamb meat is one of the most abundant sources of high-quality protein in the diet. In fact, it is called a complete protein since it contains all nine necessary amino acids. It is critical to eat high-quality protein in order to retain muscle mass, especially as you become older. Inadequate protein diet may hasten and exacerbate muscle loss associated with aging. This increases your chances of developing sarcopenia, a potentially fatal illness associated with having extremely low muscle mass. Consuming lamb on a regular basis, along with other protein-rich meals, may help to maintain muscle mass when accompanied with a healthy lifestyle and an adequate quantity of exercise. Lamb not only aids in the maintenance of existing muscular mass, but it also could be crucial for the function of muscles. It is rich in the amino acid beta-alanine, which is converted by your body into carnosine, a chemical that is essential for the proper functioning of muscles.
Therefore, athletes and those who want to get the most out of their bodies physically may benefit from consuming lamb on a regular basis, as well as other foods that are high in beta-alanine.
Prevents anemia
Anemia is a common disease that means you don't have enough red blood cells and your blood can't carry oxygen as well as it should. Having a healthy amount of iron in your diet can help you avoid it. Tiredness and weakness are some of the most noticeable signs. One of the main causes of anemia is not getting enough iron in your diet, but this condition is easy to avoid if you eat right. Red meat is one of the best ways to get iron from food. It has heme-iron, which is a form of iron that is easily absorbed by the body. It also helps the body absorb non-heme iron, which is the form of iron found in plants. This effect of meat is called the "meat factor," and researchers do not fully understand it. Heme-iron is only found in food that comes from animals. So, it plays a very small part in vegetarian diets and none at all in vegan diet
why vegetarians are more likely to get anemia than people who eat meat. Putting it another way, eating meat may be one of the best ways to keep from getting iron-deficiency anemia.
Risks Associated With Eating Lamb
Lamb has the same level of health dangers as any other kind of red meat. According to a number of studies, eating a lot of red meat products like beef, lamb, hog, veal, and mutton might increase your chance of developing a variety of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, obesity, etc.
A Better Method To Prepare Lamb
If you choose a cut of lamb that has less fat, you will eat less of the saturated fat that it has. You should try to get some tenderloin, loin chops, or legs. The way the meat is cooked is another factor that could affect how healthy it is. Before you start cooking, get rid of as much of the extra fat as you can. Don't use oil to fry the meat. When you cook this way, you often end up with a dish that is less healthy because it has more fat. You can instead bake the meat, broil it or grill it. During cooking, put a rack under the meat to catch any fat that drips out. This keeps the fat from cooking the meat as it goes through the process. If you follow these rules, you can eat lamb as part of a healthy diet.
Lamb is a kind of red meat derived from young sheeps. It is a terrific source of various vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. It is also a good source of high-quality protein. As a consequence, eating lamb on a regular basis may improve performance and promote muscle growth. It also assists in the prevention of anemia. On the negative side, some observational studies have linked red meat intake to an increased risk of cancer and heart disease due to the pollutants that are present in high quantities in processed and/or overcooked meat. Also know about sugar levels.
Is mutton bad for cholesterol?
No, mutton when consumed in moderation is not bad for cholesterol. Mutton is rich in protein and other micronutrients and also contains fats. Only when consumed in large quantities and cooked in a lot of oil does it actually become harmful.
Which meat is best for cholesterol?
The best meat for cholesterol is lean meat which includes chicken and turkey without their skin. The more processed a meat is, the less nutritional it will be. Lamb is also one of the best meats to consume in moderation for people with cholesterol.
Which is healthier: mutton or chicken?
Chicken is a healthier option to eat as compared to mutton as mutton contains high levels of fat and chicken without its skin is one of the most lean meats. The way meats are cooked also has an impact on its nutritional value.
Is mutton harmful for health?
No, mutton is not harmful for health. Mutton contains a high amount of protein and healthy fats and also has a lot of micronutrients which are beneficial for the overall functioning of the body. Mutton when consumed in small quantities is good for health.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/lamb-and-cholesterol
- https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-to-know-about-lamb-nutrition#:~:text=Lamb%20has%20healthy%20fats.,for%20heart%20disease%20and%20stroke
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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