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Is Rava Good For Diabetes
Upma is one of the lightest dishes we can have in our Indian households. Many times, for breakfast or even for dinners, upma is one of the staple food options. However, there are a few myths around rava and upma and a few questions like is rava good for diabetes.
When it comes to diabetes, one has to be very careful of what one eats. This is because any meal that leads to an unwarranted spike in blood sugar levels is not worth it. It causes unnecessary fatigue and complications. Let’s find out about rava and what can be done with rava and if it is good for people with diabetes.
How awesome would it be if you would be able to add one more food category to your list of foods that are healthy for you as a person dealing with diabetes? You want to be sure to know the exact carb content and calories to be able to bolus properly. Sometimes, a person with diabetes also indulges in food that may be unhealthy and might spike up their blood sugars. To do this, they need to make sure that their glucose levels are not high already. Is it the same with rava?
Semolina, rava, or granulated wheat are all products of wheat. Semolina is a coarse flour that is made from ground durum wheat (a type of hard wheat). It is also called rava. Is semolina good for diabetes? Is it safe to consume? How does it affect blood sugars? These are all understandable and natural questions.
Table of Contents
Advantages of Rava for Diabetes
Is rava good for people with diabetes? Here is a look at the advantages rava has in the life of a person with diabetes.
- It has several minerals that aid in the production of red blood cells, promote a healthy heart, and also help in the overall control of blood sugars
- It also has a low glycemic index which means that after being consumed, it won’t shoot up the sugar levels. Your bolus injection will have the time to be able to effectively balance out the rise in sugars with the injected insulin
- It has a very high fiber content which helps in the digestion of food
- This fiber and the magnesium content also help in the maintenance of blood sugars in the normal range
- It also boosts immunity – this is particularly good for a person with diabetes.
- Rava is good for diabetes as it also promotes weight loss – especially because it has a very low-fat content with almost no trans fats. Also know about diabetes diet chart indian.
Here are some Diabetic-Friendly Rava Recipes
Rava is one of the most easily available ingredients in India and it is also very commonly used among the Indian population. These grains are often called superfoods as they are not only an intrinsic part of our lives but are also rich in nutrition and can promote holistic well-being. When looking for diabetes-friendly recipes, it is important to understand how the consumption of certain ingredients will affect the sugar levels in the body immediately, and also in the long run. When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, there are several dietary restrictions that they are encouraged to follow. Foods rich in fiber and protein are advised and the elimination of higher levels of carbs and sweets is recommended. Suji is a food that can be high in carbs but because it is also rich in fiber, it can be safe to consume in moderate amounts.
Here are some diabetic-friendly rava recipes:
1. Masala rava idli – Is rava idli good for diabetes? - Enjoy puffy rice cakes without the presence of carb-filled rice. This is a healthier version of the recipe and you can add carrots and other better ingredients. Make this meal exactly like you would make any other idli and enjoy it with sambhar and chutney.
2. Rava uttapam – Is uttapam good for diabetes? - Load your morning breakfast with nutritious foods and vegetables in the form of a rava uttapam. This can also be a great option for a dinner meal. Once you make the batter with the desired consistency, you can add your choice of vegetables to the mix and make your dish even healthier.
3. Rava dosa – Is rava dosa good for diabetes - Who does not like a dosa? This form of dosa can be even more beneficial when dealing with diabetes. Make it crispy and healthy and you can also add onions, cheese, or other masalas to the dosa as per your preference. Have it with daal/sambhar and chutney.
4. Suji dhokla – The perfect evening snack or the best one to serve guests, suji dhokla is healthy and tasty. Since this dish is steamed, you do not have to worry about it being unhealthy. Using suji will help lower the carb load.
5. Rava upma – Is upma good for diabetes? - Rava upma is good for diabetes. Looking for the ideal breakfast option? Suji upma is good for diabetes. Arguably, one of the most healthy forms of suji, you can add vegetables like beans, onions, cauliflower, peas, etc to your upma and load it with veggies.
Best Time to Consume Rava for Diabetes
Usually, the best time to consume a bowlful of rava would be in the morning in the form of breakfast. Upma is the dish that is made. Since it has a huge quantity of fibers, it keeps the stomach full for a long time, thus eliminating the need for a light snack before lunch. Since the fasting sugars are already on the lower side, upma and rava will help balance that out too. Make sure to test the blood sugar levels before eating upma to avoid any unnecessary spikes.

Risks of Over Consuming Rava for Diabetes
While we know that is rava good for diabetes, we also need to be cautious about how much rava and upma we are consuming. The adverse effects of consuming rava are not many, however, for people who are allergic to gluten or wheat, it might cause certain reactions. Any kinds of swelling, pains, vomiting, sneezing, hives, asthma, etc can be caused due to activated allergies.
Other Health Benefits of Rava for Diabetes
The answer to the question – is semolina good for diabetes has been received. However, the other benefits that it provides are yet to be uncovered. Here is how it is beneficial to people in moderate amounts –
- Slow digestion – It digests slowly which gives the body time to process the food. It will also keep your stomach full for a long time.
- Immunity - It is a great immunity booster as it contains Vitamins B and E.
- Energy – Upma helps keep you strong and energized. This is owing to the fibers in the grain. The addition of vegetables to upma will also add to this.
- Helps the heart – Selenium, present in rava, is helpful for the heart and the immune system
Rava Nutritional Profile
In the grocery store when you buy packaged food or packets of semolina/rava, you need to make sure to check the nutrition profile to know the quantity of rava you need to use for it to be safe for a person with diabetes. Additionally, you also need to understand whether rava is okay to be consumed, overall. Rava glycemic index - Rava with a glycemic index of 66 and with glycemic load 14.7 is a good option for Diabetics.
The nutritional profile of 100 grams of cooked rava (upma) will look like this:
- Calories – 132
- Total fat – 4 grams (saturated fat – 0.3 grams, trans fat – 0.1 gram)
- Cholesterol – 0 mg
- Sodium – 179 mg
- Potassium – 191 mg
- Total Crabs – 21 grams
- Dietary fiber – 2 grams
- Sugars – 2.7 grams
- Vitamin A – 8%
- Vitamin C – 56%
- Calcium – 17%
- Iron – 43%
- Protein – 3.5 grams
It is also high in other nutrients like Vitamin B which is important for the health of the body and mind overall. It helps to convert food into energy. Additionally, rava is good for diabetes because it is also a source of iron and magnesium.
You started with the query “Is rava good for people with diabetes” you have gotten your answer. The nutritional profile clearly shows the plethora of healthy vitamins, minerals, and fibers present in rava. The only concern could be the high carbs which can also be mitigated in the form of dhokla or by taking some extra units of insulin. Rava is healthy and can be eaten in the morning as upma. It is also beneficial to the overall immune system and the heart. Also know about fasting blood sugar level.
Is rava good for diabetes?
Yes, Rava is good for diabetes as it is rich in fiber and thus helps people with diabetes maintain blood sugar levels.
Is rava upma good for diabetes?
The high nutritional value can provide proof for the fact that rava upma is good for diabetes. The high contents of fiber in suji can help in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body. It would be best to include other vegetables while making upma so that the carb content is mitigated with the help of the additional fiber.
Can Diabetics Eat Rava Idli?
Rava idli, when eaten in moderation can be good for a person with diabetes. Idli can also help with weight loss and the fewer calories in the recipe can help maintain blood sugar levels. Even if the carb content may not be much, however, it would be best to consume the same in limited quantities and infrequently.
Can Diabetics Eat Rava Dosa?
The lower calories and carbs can prove that rava is good for diabetes. Having a rava dosa in comparison to a rice dosa would be advisable and better. Even when one is trying to opt for a healthy diet plan, substituting rava with rice can be better. Add plenty of vegetables to the dosa to balance out the quantities of other nutrients and reduce the glycemic load.
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