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Shifa Fatima, MSc.
Dr. Apoorva T, MHM.
Obesity Myths and Fcats: Overview
There are different myths about obesity, one of them would be that it is caused simply due to unhealthy eating habits and a bad lifestyle. An increased intake of calories, poor diet control, lack of physical activity, genetic factors, medical reasons, etc. could contribute to it. One of the major facts about obesity is that it can be genetic. Certain rare genetic conditions like Prader-Willi syndrome can lead to obesity. At times, the recessive (or dominant) gene for weight gain and fat can also be transmitted to the offspring via DNA. However, even if there are strong genetic links to gaining weight, one can always put in the extra effort and manage to keep them under the optimal level to be able to live a healthy life.
Table of Contents
Myths & Facts About Obesity
Obesity in itself is a very complex condition and there are many things that we do not know about this disease. That is why there are many floating myths which people believe in. Sometimes you get into the trap of believing these myths too. Or you might get some false information from the internet too! This elevates the problem further.Today we will be busting all the myths related to being obese so that you get a clear idea about your situation. Also, this will be helpful for you,
Myth 1 : All your health issues will be solved if your weight gets reduced.
You must have heard that once you lose weight, rest all illnesses will get solved on its own. But unfortunately, this is a big myth about obesity. Weight loss includes many different systems in the body that store energy. Weight loss indeed reduces your risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases and many other conditions. But disturbing the energy system of the body might lead you to other chronic illnesses. And in turn, while you lose weight, if you catch some illness it will become difficult for you to maintain the lost weight.
Fact Check: Even the process of weight loss might make you prone to other health issues
Weight loss indeed improves your complete bodily health. But the weight loss procedure might create situations like hormone disruption, metabolic complications and stress. If you are trying to lose weightrapidly it may risk you to muscle loss and reduce metabolism rate. You might also suffer from gallstones, sleep disruption, nutrient deficiency, and other severe issues. Also in a few people, their skin starts to sag or they develop stretch marks due to weight loss. It affects your emotional and mental health too.You must consult a professional to aid in your weight lossjourney and help you healthily lose weight. This professional can be a doctor or a dietician or a gym trainer. In case you face any mental issues you can take help from a mental health professional who will design a treatment plan for your emotional and mental well-being while you lose weight.
Myth 2 : The sole reason for obesity is bad lifestyle choices.
It is completely wrong on your part to believe that obesity causes only from being negligent. Some poor lifestyle choices can contribute to making you overweight. But this does not stand to be the only reason behind it.
Fact Check: Multiple factors can lead you to become obese.
Surely, overeating and physical inactivity can make you obese. Certain people are not physically active but still maintain a healthy weight. That is why the other factors that contribute to obesity are: improper sleep cycle, underlying medical conditions, chronic pain, hormonal issues, stress, certain medications like antidepressants, economic factors and other environmental factors. Your genes can also make you fat. Another major reason that contributes to obesity is Misinformation. People read random stuff on the internet and starts to act accordingly. Getting access to the right information is must to weight loss. This is why it is important that if you get diagnosed with some kind of illness, obesity cannot be the only reason for it. A proper diagnosis and a treatment plan should be developed to cure the disease and obesity in a better way!
Myth 3 : The measure of health gain is equal to the kilos lost
Generally, healthy eating programs and weight loss programs focus just on the number of kilos lost on the weighing scale. But according to research being done, it is not to be set as the only way by which your weight loss journey can be labelled effective or ineffective. Focusing on just the weighing scale might get you into the loop of weight loss and weight gain. It may also increase stress, unordered eating, the obsession of a lean body and self-esteem issues.
Fact Check: The only measurement of success should be a healthy body.
It should always be kept in mind; a lean body is not the only measurement of success. Starving and heavy exercising is not the only solution. You should naturally lose weight and always listen to your body. You must make healthy food choices and understand psychology of weight loss to weight loss. Healthy food choices will keep you healthy and strong in long term. You won’t get into the loop of getting fat and thin again and again. Many theories suggest when the main focus of weight loss is shifted from the weighing scale it brings out many beautiful changes in your body. Your blood pressure improves, self-esteem increases, diet improve and you feel confident in your skin. The better measure of weight loss would be inch-loss. In this method, your thighs, calves, arms, belly area, hip area are measured in inches before you head on to weight loss. After a successful 1-month of exercise and proper eating, the inches are measured again to quantify the success of your training.
Myth 4 : Weight loss adheres to maintaining a proper balance between the calorie consumed and calorie burned.
If ever in life you have tried to reduce weight, then you must have heard, that you have to burn more calories than you consume. Many naïve gym trainers would have told you this is the sole criteria behind weight loss. This is yet another prominent myth about obesity.
Fact Check: This calorie in and calorie out concept is way too minimalistic in terms of weight loss.
You cannot deny the importance of measuring and eating the calories and then burning them down. But this cannot be the sole measure that can contribute to weight loss. This is because you might measure the calorie amount accurately but struggle to keep a proper balance between the minerals and nutrients required by your body. Eating a well-balanced diet is key to weight loss and keeping healthy at the same time. The food you intake might disrupt the hormone functioning in your body. Certain foods can cause changes to your hormone level and promote weight gain. In short, never compromise on your health to lose weight.
Myth 5 : Including fruits and vegetables in your diet will eradicate obesity
Many people think that making fruits and vegetables more accessible and more affordable in societies where obesity is quite prevalent will help solve the problem. Many state governments have already made policies to increase the farmer markets and grocery stores in communities where people are suffering from obesity or are obese.
Fact Check: Lack of proper education and food choices play a major role to eradicate obesity as an illness.
It should be understood that accessibility and income aren’t the key players to weight loss. But the two key factors are food preferences and proper education about what to eat stand out. Instead of implementing policies about building out a large number of grocery stores, the government should invest money in the distribution of legitimate information about healthy eating. Also, they should regulate unhealthy food options in areas suffering from obesity. They should promote diets that are rich in vegetables and fruits. They should also educate about what things, when consumed, are unhealthy and that unhealthy eating can be a reason for other chronic illnesses!
Myth 6 : Breastfed infants do not develop obesity in future.
This is the most illogical and random myth doing rounds about obesity. There is no relation found between breastfed infants who did not develop obesity in later stages of life.
Fact Check: No correlation between breastfeeding and obesity.
What is the golden rule of obesity?
The golden rule of obesity is related to the intake and consumption of food. Essentially, changing the way you eat and making better food-related choices is the way to go. Reducing the carb content and replacing them with proteins and fiber would be the best possible solution. Additionally, having a lot of vegetables that are low in carbs and starch and eating foods with an overall low glycemic load would work best to reduce the body fat or prevent it from growing.
Does sugar cause a fat belly?
Since foods with a large amount of sugar are known to affect the overall metabolic health, it can cause a fat build-up around the abdomen and the liver. Also know about random blood sugar normal range.
Can you be obese healthy?
Obesity is not a healthy trait. It means having a lower rate of metabolism and greater fat ratio than required depending on the age and height of a person. This can lead to several complications and vulnerabilities that can cause issues to the physical and mental health of a person.

- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/symptoms-causes/syc-20375742
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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