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Shifa Fatima, MSc.
Dr. Apoorva T, MHM.
Why Do People Start Smoking?
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Why Do People Start Smoking?
Many studies and research conducted in this field indicate the direct relation between smoking and severe health problems. Despite knowing this fact, smokers are unable to kick off this habit of smoking. There are many triggers that result in people start smoking.
Some of the major reasons behind people starting to smoke is deriving pleasure, stress relief, and in social situations. Once they start using nicotine in tobacco, they get addicted and this means that they cannot live without nicotine. With time, the body and brain get accustomed to getting a nicotine fix and despite making a decision to quit smoking, smokers are unable to kick away this habit. Chain smokers, especially feel a buzz of energy and pleasure as soon as they start smoking.
The bodies of chain smokers build up a high tolerance for nicotine and as soon as they embark on the journey to quit smoking, their bodies react aggressively. They experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms that makes quitting smoking an uphill task.
They may feel extremely sad, difficulty in sleeping, trouble thinking clearly, inability to focus on things, slow heart rate, feeling jumpy or restless, and more. Some symptoms are manageable, but some are extremely disconcerting making it difficult to stay on track and meet the goal of quit smoking. Quit smoking timeline can help in this regard.
Many smokers show the symptoms of PTSD or the post-traumatic stress disorder and this stress play havoc in their life. They find it difficult to stay in a relationship and become self-obsessed. Thus, smoking is something that is easy to start but challenging to stop. Set a quit smoking timeline to initiate the process.
Side Effects and Complications of Smoking
Smoking is responsible for causing a many conditions. To Quit smoking is only way to stay healthy
1. Lung Cancer
Smoking is the major reason responsible for lung cancer. Chain smokers who smoke 15-30 cigarettes in a day are more prone to lung cancer than non-smokers. Even a few cigarettes a day can damage the lung resulting in this fatal disease over the years. So, just quit smoking.
Side Effects : Chainsmokers suffering from lung cancer experience a lot of side effects. Some of the major side effects are persistent cough, chest pain, coughing of blood, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, feeling weak or tired, and more. It is one of the most fatal diseases caused by smoking.
2. Heart Disease
Another condition caused due to smoking is heart disease. Smoking cigarettes can result in heart problems that are manifested in high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, obesity, and peripheral arterial disease. The benefits of quitting smoking are to enjoy a healthy existence and a strong heart with no complications.
Side Effects : Chainsmokers suffering from smoking-induced heart diseases suffer from several side effects. Some of the major issues are thickening of the arterial walls, increased heart rate, irregular heart rhythm, and increased chances of stroke. Thus, stop smoking cigarettes and enjoy the benefits of quitting smoking by having a stronger heart.
How to Quit Smoking Easily?
Quitting smoking now improves your health and reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other smoking-related illnesses. Here are the 10 easy ways to Quit Smoking.
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy- The first, easiest way to quit smoking is to go for nicotine replacement therapy. The doctor may prescribe several options that include nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges, nicotine inhaler or spray, stop smoking medications like Varenicline and bupropion. These are short-acting therapies in the form of patches and gums that can work well with long term therapies like non-nicotine medications. The doctor can suggest the best therapy that works for a chain smoker.
- Delay Tobacco Craving- It is another one of the most effective ways to quit smoking. As soon as the chain smoker feels the urge to smoke, he must distract his mind and delay tobacco cravings as much as possible. Try taking one step at a time. Delay smoking by 10 minutes and gradually increase this time. Soon, the craving to smoke a cigarette will be under control. Use smoke-free zones in public places.
- Avoid Triggers- The third way that works well when planning to quit smoking is to avoid all those triggers that result in a smoking episode. Try to identify situations when the urge to smoke was the highest. As soon as you are faced with the same situation again, move away from the situation. It is particularly important for people who are already on the path to recovery. This will avoid the smoking relapse scenario.
- Indulge in Physical Activities- Whenever the urge to smoke tobacco is very strong, look for some physical activity that keeps you occupied and engaged. Look for simple ways to quit smoking. Physical activities like skipping rope, running up and down the stairs, needlework, prayers, or anything that keeps you busy and allows you to blow your steam. As soon as the moment passes, you will start feeling normal and better.
- Do Not Get Tempted- Many times, smokers think that they will just have one cigarette and will not go for another in any case. The fact is that once he smokes one cigarette, the urge to smoke more gets stronger and this results in chain-smoking. There is never only “one” and this is just a way of fooling oneself. Do not allow yourself to succumb to this temptation as one always leads to another.
- Stay Away from Other Smokers- If you are already on the verge of quitting smoking, it is imperative for you to stay away from other smokers. Passive smoking has the same harmful effects on the body as direct smoking does. Staying away from other smokers will keep you safe from the negative impacts of passive smoking. It will also keep your resolve to quit smoking stronger than ever.
- Set a Timeline- Set small, achievable goals for giving up smoking. Set a stop smoking timeline and stay right on the track. Avoid long-term goals as it is tough to achieve. Set small goals as achieving a couple of them will fill you with confidence and your chances of achieving the goals decided by you will be higher. Keep reminding yourself about the benefits of stopping smoking.
- Practice Relaxation Techniques- Another one of the several tips to quit smoking is to practice relaxation techniques. Instead of using smoking as the means to relieve stress, resist it forcefully. Try to calm yourself by practising relaxation techniques. Some of the techniques that have an amazing impact on reducing your stress levels are muscle relaxation, deep-breathing exercises, massage, visualization, or listen to soft, calming music.
- Get Support- If you find yourself unable to manage to stay away from tobacco effects, call in reinforcements. There is no dearth of support groups that help smokers shun this habit and help in the effort of curbing tobacco craving. These support groups can be contacted for help through phone calls, periodic meetings, and counselling help. Call on their helpline to take support from the groups.
- Remind Yourself of the Benefits- The last but not the least most effective way of staying away from tobacco effects is to continue reminding yourself about the benefits of quitting to smoke. Begin with no smoking day and increase the number gradually. This is the best way to stop smoking. Keep reminding yourself that smoking is bad, and gradually you will find yourself coming out of this bad habit and reclaiming your good. health.
- https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/quit-smoking/index.html
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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